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When Princess Diana walked down the aisle with King Charles III (then known as the Prince of Wales) in 1981, her extravagant wedding dress helped cement her status as a fashion icon — and set trends for years to come: Mariah Carey, who married music executive Tommy Mottola in 1993, tapped Vera Wang to create a wedding dress inspired by Diana's.

Discover the history of this iconic dress below, including its creators, its cost and where it is today.

Who designed Princess Diana's wedding dress?

David and Elizabeth Emanuel, also known as the Emanuels, designed Princess Diana's wedding dress. She became attached to the duo after wearing one of their custom-made chiffon blouses for her engagement photoshoot. The ruffled pink top recently sold at auction for $381,000.

A silk chiffon blouse by designer Emanuel, worn by Princess Diana in her first official portrait by Lord Snowdon, subsequently published in Vogue in February 1981, is photographed at a press preview of the upcoming exhibition titled

The Emanuel pink chiffon blouse designed for Princess Diana's engagement portraits.

AFP via Getty Images

“When she saw our blouse on the rack, she fell in love with it, asked who made it and was directed to us,” Elizabeth Emanuel said in her 2006 book, “A Dress for Diana.”

Diana herself chose the Emanuels to design her wedding dress, which, according to Elizabeth, “It had to be something that would go down in history, but also something that Diana loved” and that would be “dramatic enough to make an impression.”

What is Princess Diana's wedding dress made of?

A sketch of Princess Diana's wedding dress, royal wedding, bride

A sketch of Princess Diana's wedding dress.

Bettmann Archives

The dress was made from ivory silk taffeta and antique Carrickmacross lace, which had belonged to Diana's great-grandmother, Queen Mary. Embroidery, sequins and more than 10,000 pearls adorned its waist, hem and train, which broke royal wedding records at 25 feet long.

A small blue bow was sewn onto the waistband of the dress for Diana's “something blue,” and an 18-karat gold horseshoe charm was also sewn on for good luck.

For peace of mind, the Emanuels designed a second dress for Diana's wedding day. “At the time, we really wanted to make sure the dress was a surprise,” Elizabeth Emanuel told People in 2011. “If the real dress had been revealed, it's possible that Diana would have actually worn it.”

The wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana at St Paul's Cathedral, royal wedding, bride, dress

The wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana at St Paul's Cathedral.

Getty Images

The first sketches of the standby dress were unveiled in 2023. Also made from ivory silk taffeta, but without the antique lace, it was embroidered with scalloped details along the hem and sleeves. Tiny pearls were also sewn onto the bodice.. The alternate outfit has since disappeared, however.

“It was just a backup of the original and I don’t know where it went. It just disappeared,” Elizabeth Emanuel told Hello! last year.

How much did Princess Diana's wedding dress cost?

At the time of its creation, Diana's dress was worth approximately $114,800. Today, that's equivalent to approximately $448,500.

Where is Princess Diana's wedding dress today?

Diana, Princess of Wales' wedding dress on display at an exhibition called

Princess Diana's wedding dress on display in London in 2021.

AFP via Getty Images

In her will, Diana left her custom-made dress to her sons, Princes William and Harry, who officially inherited it in 2014, on the latter's 30th birthday.

They have since loaned the wedding dress for display: in 2021, it was exhibited as part of Kensington Palace's exhibition 'Royal Style in the Making', which ended in 2022.




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