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Best Work Bags for Men 2024


Photo-Illustration: Strategist; Photos: Retailers

In the age of flexible work schedules and informal office dress codes, the leather briefcase has lost a lot of ground to outdoor backpacks and worn-in totes. To find some more stylish options for men’s work bags (that are still comfortable to carry and large enough to hold a laptop and workout gear), I reached out to well-dressed men from a variety of professions to find out which ones they carry. Their responses ranged from classic messenger bags to sleek and (they promise) boardroom-friendly backpacks.

Filson 24 Hour Fabric Case - 18 L

The Filson soft briefcase is a durable option. My fellow Strategist editor Jeremy Rellosa has been carrying one for about five years and says its water-resistant oilcloth has developed an attractive patina over time. The bag has a luggage sleeve so it can be placed on a rolling suitcase, and its interior and exterior compartments are thoughtfully laid out. Our unapologetic menswear columnist Chris Black also gives this bag a thumbs-up, writing that while it got a wash during the menswear boom of 2012, it’s time to bring it back. (If you need further proof of the brand’s renaissance, Jeremy Allen Whites Carmy has been wearing a Filson metallic coat all this season.) The bear.)

Prada recycled nylon and Saffiano leather shoulder bag

Geoffrey Perez, Snapchat’s global head of luxury, carries this high-end crossbody bag to work. Its visual appeal is obvious, but he says the bag is also extremely functional for his daily bike commute. “It’s the perfect size, easily fits my laptop, and has pockets for all my other stuff,” he says. The recycled nylon is waterproof and durable. It’s protected his office supplies through rain and shine for years without any signs of wear.

Porter-Yoshida & Co. 2-Compartment Travel Bag

For a nylon version under $1,000, Black has always loved this messenger bag from Japanese brand Porter-Yoshida. The navy blue is chic and a nice change from the usual black. It has enough storage for your laptop, notepads, gum, cords, an extra pair of underwear, sunglasses, keys, and a bottle of Mountain Valley sparkling water, he says. Filmmaker Baz Luhrmann also told us he’s a fan of the brand.

Officine Creative ARMOR 011 Black woven leather bag

Writer and District One Studios The brand’s founder, Dan Q. Dao, says his leather work bag from Italian label Officine Creative is a Bottega offering, but at a more affordable price point. In addition to being stylish, the bag is practical because it offers two carrying methods. “I really like having the option of a top handle or a shoulder strap on a bag, depending on how heavy it is that day and what I’m carrying,” he says. “Because I hate it when the shoulder strap wrinkles a shirt.”

Filson Journeyman Backpack

Sub-stack Austin Tedesco, head of video and podcasting, is also a Filson fan (he switched from Everlane to a newer model after someone he was dating said there was nothing sexier than a man wearing a Filson bag), but he prefers backpacks to messenger bags. Shopping for work bags for men can be tricky, because most lean too much toward techie efficiency, wild cosplay, or impracticality, he says. With its grown-up look, a Filson backpack offers the rare middle ground. Tedesco’s exact bag, the Dryden, is no longer available, but this style is similar.

RAINS Trail Mountaineer Hiking Bag

Very good deal

Rains makes our favorite men's raincoats, and its matching waterproof backpacks are perfect for commuting to the office. Jaye Thompson, a designer at Mother New Yorkhas been carrying it to work for the past two years and loves the look of it. It’s pretty and minimalist, he says. Its design features are functional and useful without being distracting. And I have the all-black model, which blends in quite well. There’s a water bottle holder and plenty of interior and exterior zippered pockets for organization, and he adds that the exterior elastic strap is great for holding a bike helmet. And as you might expect, the bag keeps everything dry during rain showers.

RAINS backpack

Gonzalo Donoso, designer at Mother's designis also on Team Rains but prefers the brand’s smaller backpacks. The construction is very sleek, he says. It looks expensive, even though it’s fairly affordable. On a typical workday, he’ll toss his MacBook Pro and multiple laptops in the bag, and he’s also been known to take it to Trader Joe’s to stock up on groceries. A hidden pocket near the shoulder straps means you don’t have to open the bag all the way to retrieve smaller items.

Uniqlo functional backpack

Like many guys I've talked to, David Zwirner Gallery Senior manager Thor Shannon has long resisted the idea of ​​bringing a backpack to work. “I tried a messenger bag, a briefcase, and a gym bag, but none of them worked as well for my back,” he says. He settled on an older version of this lightweight, water-resistant Uniqlo backpack, which he says is anonymous and worthless, with no visible logos. “I’ve had it for probably four or five years, and I destroy it and throw it away all the time,” he adds. “And it turns out it can take that abuse, which is why I love it.” He typically uses the bag to carry not only a laptop, but every charger known to man, his gym and swim gear, and a bike helmet. He’s kept it for a long time (leaving an AirTag inside helped), but notes that its affordable price means I could easily lose it and buy another one without feeling guilty.

Yeti Camino 35 Tote Bag

Nick Dierlthe co-founder of the music PR agency Eastfirst discovered the Yeti Rubber Tote Bag while looking for a groomsmen gift for his wedding. He’s since used it as a work bag, finding it works especially well for business trips. It can usually hold his computer, toiletries, and a pair of running shoes, and it’s surprisingly comfortable to carry, even when stuffed to the brim. While Yeti is best known for making coolers, this bag isn’t designed to insulate what’s inside, though Dierl says the fact that it’s fully waterproof means you can fill it with ice and drinks as needed. His bag shows no significant signs of wear after two years of regular use—how many totes can you say that about?

Patagonia Black Hole Ultralight Tote Bag

As Strategist contributor Molly Dektar observed last year, this backpack-cum-tote has become a status symbol among New York’s 20- and 30-something artists. It’s functional and durable, as you’d expect from a Patagonia bag, but doesn’t feel overly technical, especially in its all-black colorway. Though it’s made of black ripstop, it doesn’t scream “I’m hiking!” she points out. And though it has plenty of pockets and adjustable straps, it doesn’t scream “I’m coding!”

Filson Heavy Duty Twill Tote Bag with Zipper

Rellosa swapped out his Filson briefcase for the brand’s more casual-looking zip-up tote bag and says it’s ultimately the work bag he uses the most. “I like that it’s slightly more formal than a canvas tote, plus it zips up and has two deep side pockets,” he says.

Pacific Tote Company Big Sur Island Time Multicolor Travel Tote Bag

If you are If you’re going to work with a canvas bag, make sure it’s sturdy and has a zipper. A favorite of elites on both coasts, the Pacific Tote Company’s colorful bags (made from recycled sailcloth) are designed by Roman Coppola’s creative agency, the Directors Bureau. Film producer Chris Chang, who works closely with Coppola and tells me he owns not ten, but more than five Pacific Totes, says they’re the perfect casual bag for adults. “It’s kind of funny because I’ve been a tote bag guy for as long as I’ve been alternative or whatever,” he says. “But this feels like a real bag, a New Yorker tote, it’s just a flimsy little thing.”

The Strategistis designed to present helpful, expert recommendations on what to buy across the vast e-commerce landscape. Each product is independently selected by our team of editors, whose details you can readhereWe update links when possible, but note that deals may expire and all prices are subject to change.




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