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Shein and Temu must detail their compliance with European legislation


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Dive summary:

  • Shein and Temu have until July 12 to respond to the European Commission's request for information on the measures taken by brands to comply with the Digital Services Act, according to a recent press release from the Commission.
  • The Commission is asking the fast fashion giants to provide information on how they comply with the law’s notice-and-action mechanism, which allows users to report illegal products. The request also asks Shein and Temu to describe how their online interfaces comply with the law, which also stipulates that platforms must be designed not to deceive and manipulate users.
  • The move was taken in response to a report by consumer organisations in May that found Temu allegedly violated DSA by failing to provide users with a safe, predictable and trustworthy online environment as required by law. This report focused on Temu and did not charge Shein.

Dive Overview:

Shein and Temu are nominated Very large online platformswhich the Commission defines as those with more than 45 million users per month in the EU. Entities of this type are subject to the Commission and the DSA.

The Commission also asked Shein and Temu to describe their compliance with regulations required by law, such as the protection of minors, transparency of recommendation systems, merchant traceability and compliance by design, the statement said.

The Commission will assess the next steps based on Shein and Temu's responses. This could involve the formal opening of proceedings, the statement said.

Shein is working to respond quickly to the request for information, a Shein spokesperson said in an email to Fashion Dive.

We share the Commission's objective of ensuring that EU consumers can shop online with peace of mind, and we will continue to work closely with the Commission to ensure our compliance with the Digital Services Act, the spokesperson said.

In a separate statement, a Temu spokesperson said the organisation was cooperating fully with the EU.

We also want to reiterate that we are fully committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations in the markets in which we operate, a Temu spokesperson said in an email to Fashion Dive.

The Commission’s request is the latest in a series of regulatory and legal challenges against Shein and Temu. Both companies are facing scrutiny by the U.S. Congress, during which lawmakers have asked the companies to ensure that their the products were not made by forced labor.

Shein was accused of underpaying factory workers and also faces several copyright infringement complaints, including a class action and another action brought under federal racketeering lawsamong others.

Meanwhile, Temu is facing two class action lawsuits accusing him loaded with dangerous malware and spyware on users' devices, data collected beyond what is necessary and failed to secure customers personal and financial data. Last week, Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin filed a complaint Consumer protection lawsuit against Temu under similar claims.

The two companies are also involved in a legal dispute. In December 2023, Temu accused Shein to attempt to illegally interfere in the affairs of Temus.

Despite Consumers apparently do not trust Temu, they still shop there. In a survey, about 68% of American consumers have shopped on Temu, and only 6% said they trust the platform. At the same time, the same report found that 43% of American consumers respondents purchased on Shein.




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