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Christian McCaffrey Slams Influencer's Criticism of Olivia Culpo's Wedding Dress


Christian McCaffrey is hitting back at an online fashion influencer who criticized his new bride, Olivia Culpo, for her choice of wedding dress.

What a bad thing to post online. I hope you can find joy and peace in the world, like my beautiful wife does, the NFL star said in the comments of an Instagram video Posted on July 2 by Kennedy Bingham, who discusses fashion on social media under the moniker Gown Eyed Girl.

In her video, which she also posted on Tick ​​TockBingham said her issue was not with the “simple and elegant” design of Culpo's long-sleeved Dolce & Gabbana wedding dress, though she noted that it had “no personality.”

What left a “bitter taste” in his mouth, Bingham said, were remarks Culpo made recently to Vogue about how she “didn’t want (the dress) to reek of sex in any way.”

Christian McCaffrey and Olivia Culpo pose for a photo on the red carpet during the NFL Honors at Symphony Hall on February 9, 2023 in Phoenix, Arizona.
Christian McCaffrey and Olivia Culpo pose for a photo on the red carpet during the NFL Honors at Symphony Hall on February 9, 2023 in Phoenix, Arizona.Cooper Neill / Getty Images

The former Miss Universe also told Vogue that she wanted to get married in a dress that was “as serious” as the wedding commitment.

While there's nothing wrong with someone “wanting a modest wedding dress,” Bingham said, Culpo's remarks about her dress “went beyond just wanting something modest for herself and putting forward this idea of ​​what she thinks all “What brides should look like.”

“You can get married in your underwear and take your wedding vows very seriously,” Bingham said. “What you wear on your wedding day has virtually nothing to do with whether or not you’ll have a long, happy marriage.”

Bingham also noted that Culpo told Vogue that her new husband thinks she looks “most beautiful” when she wears timeless, revealing, and elegant clothing.

Bingham said: “I also find it odd that she would talk so much about media coverage, especially as someone who in her everyday life doesn't dress modestly.”

Bingham later said Culpo was pushing a “conservative agenda” with her wedding dress and that her wedding looked like a “conservative campaign.”

“You took this hypocritical and deceptive approach that honestly made it seem more like you were thinking about your narrative than your actual marriage,” the influencer said.

Bingham captioned her video: “From Miss Universe to Miss Pick Me, Olivia Culpo deserves her crown.”

While some commenters thanked Bingham for her insights, others criticized the influencer for posting a “useless and rude” review.

“Why is it okay to pick apart her comments, take them personally and call her a ‘pick me’? If she’s a model and Miss Universe, maybe she wants to take herself seriously, I don’t feel like she’s judging other women at all,” wrote one Instagram user.

“I personally think this dress, the way it was worn and everything about the look was STUNNING! No need to over analyze or tear someone else down just because you don't agree,” another added.




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