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The Beach Boys' “I Get Around” and their surfer style


Welcome to On This Day, a weekly column dedicated to semi-deep dives into pop culture moments that made big stylistic waves. This week, we’re looking at the Beach Boys’ surfer style during their No. 1 performance of “I Get Around” on The Ed Sullivan Show.

When you're in a band in the '60s, you usually write about two things: love in all its forms or hatred of the establishment. If you're the Beach Boys, you're more likely to write about the beach and what makes a day there great (the cars! The surf! The women!). However, there was one single in particular called “I move” which reached number one on the radio waves 60 years ago and which might interest you.

It's not because of its “good vibes” or because “God only knows,” but because its chorus spoke to a problem that we still face today — “I'm tired of driving up and down the same old road.” —and how the Beach Boys brought a look into cultural consciousness when they performed it on The Ed Sullivan Show: a surfer style that seemed appropriate to the situation.

The Beach Boys' style: healthy Americana with a touch of surf. Photo credits: Pinterest

Originally called The Pendletones, after the Oregon brand known for its wool shirts, the Beach Boys' style was both Americana and tinged with a touch of '60s surf. It consisted of striped or Hawaiian shirts tucked into chinos with three buttons open or Baja sweaters worn over cutoff jeans and huaraches. Suits were rare during concerts or interviews and looked incredible on them on the rare occasions they wore one. hang tight if you are tied up down by what you wear.

This sunny state of mind, popularized by them before being projected on the big screen with films like “Clambake” and “Wild On the Beach”, would then evolve with brands like Billabong and Quiksilver. In the mid-2000s, it became even more trendy to look like someone really beautiful. hangSurfer style has gradually become a kind of cliche Fashion houses have adopted this aesthetic to satisfy the beach-loving masses. So what do we think of the Beach Boys and their surfer style in 2024?

Their stage looks, including striped shirts and chinos, elude today’s digital algorithm and seem radical in an age where people dress to appear in said algorithm. The Beach Boys may not be on best-dressed lists (remember those?) or even men’s fashion forums, but the fact is that there’s an honest relationship between the music they make and what they wear to play it. It’s as nostalgic as it is modern, and as these nods to their style prove, they’ll instantly put you in a summer mood. And yes, even if your pale skin doesn’t tell any stories.

Shop these Beach Boys inspired surfer style pieces now!

Favored by people who actually dive, the watch's new and improved features, like an adjustable strap and 54-hour power reserve, are still worth buying even if you're a beach bum.

This Burberry hooded jacket is the one you get when you combine utility, athleisure and surf style – a jacket that can be quickly packed in your luggage and immediately worn because it's delightfully wrinkle-resistant.

There's actually something more sparkling than clear blue waters: this pair of gold-finished sunglasses with delicate guilloché inspired by the Maison's Cannage motif.

The perfect, take-anywhere summer tote bag is here at Fendi, rendered in a 3D-effect print that will bring back fond memories of the coast even when you're cooped up in the city.

A scarf might not be the first item you think of when it comes to surf style, but when it's wrapped like this one, with hand-rolled edges, a cashmere-silk blend, and a cheerful print, it becomes a surefire way to liven up a summer outfit.

One wrong move in a pair of linen trousers and you could be embracing the coastal granny aesthetic instead, so opt for these which have a slightly flared cut that says 'I'm with the group'.

You might associate Levi's with trucker jackets and jeans, but did you know they can also be used to make a great cotton polo shirt? The colorway on this one is even called Bradley Stripe Spellbound, which sounds like a single the Beach Boys would have dreamed up.

Designed by the man who practically made jet-setting summer style a thing, these boxer shorts are woven from water-resistant fabric to take you straight off a yacht and onto a plane.

Invented in the 60s, these sneakers were worn by rock royalty, athletes and movie stars who took long romantic walks on their private beaches. They are still available today, even if you live a paparazzi-free life.

You know that guy who's constantly freaking out because he keeps losing his sunglasses? Don't be like him. This case keeps your pair safe while easily slipping into a pocket or travel bag, or attaching it to a lanyard and wearing it like a necklace.


The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.




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