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ESSENCE Festival Fashion at a low price: Kemi Ajibare's advice for stylish looks without breaking the bank – Essence


ESSENCE Festival: Fashion at a Low Price: Kemi Ajibare's Tips for Stylish Looks Without Breaking the Bank

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA – JULY 03: Guests attend ESSENCE Family Day: The Block Party at the 2023 ESSENCE Festival of Culture on July 03, 2023 in New Orleans, Louisiana. (Photo by Erika Goldring/Getty Images for ESSENCE)

Set against the rich cultural landscape of New Orleans, the ESSENCE of Culture Festival is more than just a celebration—it’s a powerful cultural event. Over the course of a weekend filled with non-stop activities, incredible live music, and delicious Cajun cuisine, the attendees themselves are the true stars of the event. Fashion takes center stage as festival-goers showcase their boldest, most vibrant, and most unique summer looks.

ESSENCE Fest is a time to pull stunts for family and friends. But being cute is one thing. Staying cute in the scorching July heat of New Orleans is another. As we gear up for this year’s monumental 30th anniversary celebration event, ESSENCE consulted Personal Stylist and Content Creator Kemi Ajibare for tips on keeping it cute and comfy. Specializing in wardrobe remodelingpersonal styling and in-store shopping sessions, Kemi collaborates with top retail brands like AnthropologyNordstrom and Burberry, attracting more 15,000 followers on Instagram for her style inspiration and practical advice. Here's how she believes festival-goers can look stylish and comfortable at the event without breaking the bank:

Tip #1: Choose breathable fabrics for the New Orleans heat

To combat the sweltering July heat in New Orleans, Kemi says lightweight, breathable fabrics like linen and cotton are a must.

Natural fibers:Choose loose fitting clothing, linen is always a great breathable option.

Fluid silhouettes: Dressesskirts and Tops which are loose and airy for better circulation.

Tip #2: Incorporate cultural elements without breaking the bank

You don’t have to spend a fortune to be fashionable. In fact, some of the most stylish looks come from thrift stores. Kemi recommends incorporating vintage finds into festival looks:

Used purchase: Look for unique and affordable pieces at thrift stores. You can often find traditional prints, retro styles, and unique accessories that reflect cultural heritage.

Vintage finds: They often offer clothing and accessories from different eras and cultures, allowing you to create a distinctive look without spending a lot.

Tip #3: Go out with festival-appropriate shoes

Ensure all-day comfort and style with festival-friendly footwear choices like supportive sandals, trendy sneakers, or chic flats that can handle the walking and standing at ESSENCE Fest. Kemi advises, “Choose shoes made from breathable materials like canvas, mesh, or leather to keep your feet cool.”

Comfortable sandals:I always suggest gladiator sandals, slides or even espadrilles.

Apartments:You can never go wrong with flats! Opt for a shoe that is lightweight and has a breathable material.

Fashionable sneakers:You can opt for colorful or patterned colors. sneakers to add a fun element to your look. Buy this: Ballerinas, Fisherman sandals, Sneakers

Tip #4: Infuse your style with cultural prints and fabrics

To add style and originality to your festival outfit, Kemi recommends embracing vibrant cultural prints and fabrics. Mix traditional cultural elements with contemporary fashion to create an eclectic and unique look that celebrates heritage while remaining stylish and current.

Mix and match:Combine culturally inspired prints with simple, budget-friendly items to create a balanced look.

Fun fabrics:Buy inexpensive fabrics with cultural prints and create simple outfits like skirts, tops or scarves.

Fusion Outfits:Mix traditional cultural pieces with modern outfits. For example, wear a traditional top with jeans or a contemporary dress with cultural accessories.

Tip #5: Enhance your look with trendy accessories

Kemi points out: “Accessories are a budget-friendly way to enhance your festival outfit. Statement jewelry, like 3D and oversized pieces, are making a comeback!” Here are her recommendations for elevating your ESSENCE festival outfits:

Statement glasses: Enhance your look with fashionable eyewear. Kemi suggests options from H&M, Amazon, Asos.

Headgear: Add style with stylish hair clips, headbands and turbans. Kemi highlights the stylish choices available on Amazon And Kohl's.

Bags:Make a statement with an eye-catching printed or woven bag. Consider options like a Fringed pouch, Woven Denim Tote BagOr Rectangular bag.

Bonus tips: Festival faux pas to avoid

To have a stylish festival experience, avoid uncomfortable shoes, excessive layering, overdressed outfits and dark colours. Instead, focus on comfort with breathable fabrics, comfortable shoes and practical accessories while maintaining a chic appearance.

Wearing too many layers:

Keep layers to a minimum. A lightweight, breathable top and bottom are usually sufficient. If you need an extra layer, choose something lightweight and easy to carry, such as a shawl or lightweight scarf.

Choose dark colors:

Opt for light-colored clothing that reflects sunlight and keeps you cool. Whites, pastels, and light neutrals are good choices.

Ignoring comfort for style:

Find a balance between style and comfort. With the right fabrics, shoes and accessories, festival fashion can be both stylish and comfortable.

From choosing breathable fabrics to incorporating cultural elements without breaking the bank, Kemi's tips ensure attendees can showcase their boldest styles without compromising comfort.




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