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Christian McCaffrey Defends Wife Olivia Culpo After Critic Says Her Wedding Dress Has 'No Personality'


Christian McCaffrey does not tolerate any negativity towards his wife, Olivia Culpo.

On Wednesday, the San Francisco 49ers star, 28, defended his wife in the comments section of a video targeting her Dolce & Gabbana wedding dress.

On Tuesday, social media influencer Kennedy Bingham shared a video on Instagram and TikTok in which she criticized Culpo's wedding dress, from the structure to the controversial designers. For the big day, Culpo, 32, wore a white Dolce & Gabbana gown with long sleeves, a crepe crew neck and a 16-foot lace veil.

In the video, Bingham disagrees with Culpo's description of her dress as “modest” and ultimately believes the dress was “nothing” and noted that it had a “lack of personality.” Additionally, she went on to claim that the former Miss Universe and running back was pushing a conservative agenda.

Olivia Culpo's husband Christian McCaffery has come to her defense after an influencer criticized her wedding dress.Ethan Miller/Getty Images

“It’s very clear that this was not a marriage,” Bingham said at the end of her video. “This was a conservative campaign, and it wasn’t even well run… You took this hypocritical ‘choose me’ route that honestly made it seem more like you were thinking about your story than you were about your actual marriage.”

McCaffery was not impressed.

“What a bad thing to post online,” he wrote in the comments. “I hope you can find joy and peace in the world, like my beautiful wife does.”

Culpo also took advantage of the comments to defend his outfit and position in an exchange with Bingham.

Christian McCaffery defends wife Olivia Culpo after argument over wedding dress.Tick ​​Tock
Olivia Culpo responded to an influencer who made negative comments about her dress.Instagram

“Wow what an absolutely evil person you are,” she wrote in a screenshot shared by the designer. “I hope no one ever tears you apart like that because it’s extremely hurtful. I love that dress and it was everything I ever wanted and more.”

Culpo also returned to the comments to clarify another claim the designer made, namely that she lied about getting eyebrow augmentation on her wedding day.

“Also, no, I do not have brow lamination or eyelash extensions. I'm sorry this upsets you.”

Culpo and McCaffrey got married this weekend in a romantic ceremony in the model's hometown of Rhode Island. The model took to Instagram to celebrate her big day and her dream dress with a series of photos.

“Another dream dress,” she wrote. “Thank you @dolcegabbana for executing my vision perfectly. I cried the first time I tried it on. From the first sketch, it was the dress I needed. My dream dress. 🥹🤍.”

In 2022, ahead of their dream engagement in 2023, Culpo gushed about the NFL superstar to ET.

“He’s just the best, I feel like he’s everything I could ask for,” she said at the time. “So I never have to worry about anything.”





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