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Top 10 Things to Buy at Vuori


Photo-Illustration: Strategist; Photos: Mountain

Anyone who has ever shopped at a major online retailer knows that it can be difficult to know where to start. There are dozens and dozens of options that all seem equally good, but the reality is that not all products from any given brand are created equal. When you shop as regularly as we do, you learn that many brands do some things better than others. bases and relaxed fits inspired by the surf lifestyle, Vuori is one of those brands. To help you find the best activewear, accessories, and more, I've rounded up every Vuori piece featured in our archives, including our favorites men's sports shorts for yoga and leggings who are better than Lululemon aligns.

Vuori Performance Jogging Pants

Stretchy and soft, but not too bulky, says former editor-in-chief Karen Iorio Adelson of these slim, slightly cropped Vuori sweatpants. Made with the brand's signature DreamKnit fabric (a blend of polyester and elastane), the moisture-wicking pants are somewhat odor-resistant, according to Adelson, who wore them nearly every day while working from home. She says they can go a long time without being washed, which is a plus in her eyes.

Vuori Daily Leggings

These Vuori leggings rival Lululemon's stretchy styles, according to Strategist editor Jessica Silvester, who prefers the Daily leggings over her Aligns (which is saying something, considering she's already written an entire ode to them). Silvester says her Vuori pair are just as soft and flattering, sitting neither too high nor too low on the waist, and lifting your butt. They feature a drawstring and cuffed ankles, and they come in three lengths.

Vuori AllTheFeels Leggings

Another option for high-waisted leggings is the AllTheFeels Leggings , which our editor Arielle Avila has owned for over six months. She wears them primarily for yoga because they're super soft and seamless. Avila also points out that the 24-inch inseam is a standout feature and the secret to their great fit. “I've had a lot of leggings from Outdoor Voices and other brands bunch up at my ankles,” Avila says, but the length of the AllTheFeels has never been an issue for her 5'6″ frame.

Lining Studio Pocket Shorts

When we spoke to experts about the best running shorts for women, a retired professional runner Heather Kampf I recommended these 5-inch skinny shorts. Kampf owns this pair and loves the super-soft fabric and flattering high waist. She also loves that they don't move or ride up during her runs. And if you're looking for a way to carry your phone or other small items, a waistband pocket and two side pockets provide multiple ways to store everything.

Short Mountain Dash

If you prefer lightweight, unlined running shorts, the Vuoris Dash Shorts are ideal for a range of fitness activities thanks to their lightweight, quick-drying fabric. I tested this pair for this buying guide and immediately noticed that the mid-rise cut and wide elastic waistband are very comfortable, even during a longer run or gym session. And although they’re unlined and have a shorter three-inch inseam, they retain their shape without riding up too much. Other features I like include a secure zipped back pocket and two deep side pockets.

Halo Boxy Short Liner

The Halo Boxy Shorts are made from the same stretchy DreamKnit fabric as the Performance Joggers above. Before testing these shorts, Avila thought she'd wear them exclusively for sleeping and lounging, but she quickly realized they were also great for daytime activities like running errands or grabbing coffee without feeling uncomfortable, she says. I think it's the high waist that helps. They're very flattering for a pair of sweat shorts. They also wash well, and while Avila accidentally put hers in the dryer (she usually air dries her workout clothes), they retained their shape, softness, and stretch.

AllTheFeels Bra Lining

Avila also owns this sports bra that's made from the same soft, silky fabric as the leggings above. She loves wearing it for activities like running and yoga because it's supportive without being restrictive. Avila says the fabric doesn't pill even after regular washing, though she suggests air drying it.

Mountain Feather T-Shirt

You can never have too many classics in your wardrobe, and the Vuoris Feather Tee is the perfect plain white tee for those who need a more breezy option. While I haven’t tested it in a while, I was impressed by how soft the fabric is and how lightweight it feels, thanks to a stretchy cotton and elastane blend. As for the fit, the crew neck is super comfortable and the torso doesn’t cling; it falls perfectly at my waist with the sleeves hitting my bicep.

Kore Short Lining

Vuoris Kore shorts offer impressive stretch, which is why we crowned them the best gym shorts for yoga. Vuori makes some of the most comfortable and durable gym shorts, according to a personal trainer Ariel Brillwho loves the versatility of this pair, which is lined. While Brill says these shorts would be great for any sport or outdoor activity, our writer and fitness expert Jeremy Rellosa recommends the Kore shorts for more relaxed workouts because they're less compressive than other gym shorts he's tested. Another fan is Tim Senesi from the popular YouTube channel Yoga with Timwho says he likes that they fit comfortably and aren't too flashy or flashy.

Vuori Banks shorts, azure linen texture

Instead of Patagonia’s ubiquitous Baggies, opt for this pair from Vuori, which former deputy editor Louis Cheslaw says are everything his Baggies weren’t. They’re incredibly stretchy in the crotch, making them perfect for working out and lounging on the couch. The recycled polyester fabric features four-way stretch technology, and they hit well above the knee, making them perfect for working out but not too athletic for social occasions. As Cheslaw puts it, they’re somehow casual enough for the beach and structured enough for the city.

The Strategistis designed to present helpful, expert recommendations on what to buy across the vast e-commerce landscape. Each product is independently selected by our team of editors, whose details you can readhereWe update links when possible, but note that deals may expire and all prices are subject to change.




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