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Wimbledon star wears wedding dress to compete at SW19 | Tennis | Sport


Fashion plays a big role at Wimbledon. From the players' outfits on court to the spectators' style, tennis-inspired outfits always have a place during the two-week tournament.

But one player is taking it a step further this year by wearing a reimagined version of her custom wedding dress on the field.

Marta Kostyuk received her own Wilson outfit, named The Marta and inspired by the floor-length dress she got married in.

The world number 19 married her partner George Heorhii last year wearing the most technical wedding dress ever made – a piece she designed with her tennis apparel sponsor Wilson. An unusual choice given that the brand is best known for its rackets and sporting goods.

And this year, they took it a step further at SW19, recreating the wedding dress and transforming it into Kostyuks' match outfit. The Ukrainian took to the court for her first round wearing a white V-neck, backless dress with a button-up overlay that she removed to play.

“It was almost identical to the dress she wore for her wedding last November, which had the same dress underneath with a full-length organza overlay adorned with flowers. The idea and the story behind that dress is, I think, by far one of the best in tennis. I don't know if ever, but for sure, right now,” Kostyuk said of her Wimbledon look.

It was about being light, comfortable, free, feminine. Everything that was in my wedding dress is the same in this tennis dress. The fact that you come on the court with this coat and then take it off, it's so cool. It's incredible.

The 22-year-old now wants to see someone get married in the tennis version of her dress. She added: “I want someone to see this dress and think, 'Wow, I can actually get married in that dress that she's playing in.' And I think it would be cool if someone actually thought that.”

I will definitely frame this dress and hang it on the wall somewhere. It will definitely be one of the highlights of my life and career, what more could you ask for? Joelle Michaeloff, who designed both versions of the dress alongside Kostyuk, explained how similar the Wimbledon version was to the real wedding dress.

We kept the layered mini dress, which buttons up, said Wilson's head of design. Vogue. Her exit will be with all the layers, and then she will take off this overdress, which is exactly like the wedding dress in the sense that it has the five buttons on the front; I made it a quick release option so she can take it off quickly.

What's underneath is essentially the original dress, but with shorts built into it. Basically, we added an underlay component and then raised the neckline slightly – we don't want any mistakes at Wimbledon.

The dress has already brought good luck to Kostyuk, who beat Rebecca Sramkova 6-3 6-2 in the first round. And she hopes it will have the same effect when she takes on Daria Saville on Wednesday.




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