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Taking Big Steps: How Men's Fashion Is Fascinated by Short Shorts


If women can wear miniskirts, men should definitely be allowed to wear short shorts. This masculine trend is here to stay, as seen on the runways and red carpets.

Most recently, Paul Mescal made headlines when he attended the Gucci Spring/Summer 2025 show wearing what almost looked like boxer shorts.

The actor paired it with a casual shirt and a pair of loafers, which gave off a very casual and nonchalant vibe.

“I’m a fan of short inseams,” Mescal told the media from the front row. “In my opinion, it’s a question of proportion.”

Paul Mescal's outfit divided social media, with some saying it was a perfectly casual yet chic look, while others hated it because it was meant to be worn only at home. Photo: GucciPaul Mescal's outfit divided social media, with some saying it was a perfectly casual yet chic look, while others hated it because it was meant to be worn only at home. Photo: GucciWearing shorts to important events is not entirely new.

Last year, Pedro Pascal walked the Met Gala red carpet in fitted shorts paired with a long red coat and military-style boots. The outfit was from Valentino's Fall/Winter 2023 collection.

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The creative director at the time, Pierpaolo Piccioli, explained on Instagram that with Pascal's outfit he wanted to overcome all the clichés of the dress code without changing anything in the clichés.

A black tie is a black tie, you can't change what it is, but you can change how you wear it and how you wear it, he wrote.

Pedros' interpretation of this look is exactly my idea of ​​freedom in men's wardrobe, and freedom is always a game changer, also on the red carpet.

A month later, Thai singer Jeff Satur was spotted wearing shorts at a Valentino show in Milan. Like Pascal, he paired them with a long coat and boots.

Hollywood actor Jacob Elordi also wore shorts at the same event. He paired them with a leather jacket. Yes, we can say that this was a trend at Valentino for this particular season.

During last month's men's fashion weeks, many brands sent models down the runway in shorts.

In Dior's case, it was baggy shorts paired with sneakers or boots and mid-calf socks (Gen Z style).

Ralph Lauren continued to focus on preppy chic looks. The Spring/Summer 2025 collection featured a number of shorts-and-jacket combinations that were very close to the Chuck Bass look, in the style of the early 2000s. Gossip Girl time.

Pedro Pascal caught the eye last year at the Met Gala with his unusual red carpet outfit. Photo: Instagram/Pierpaolo PiccioliPedro Pascal caught the eye last year at the Met Gala with his unusual red carpet outfit. Photo: Instagram/Pierpaolo PiccioliJeff Satur caught the eye with his shorts-and-tie look at a Valentino show last year. Photo: Instagram/Jeff SaturJeff Satur caught the eye with his shorts-and-tie look at a Valentino show last year. Photo: Instagram/Jeff Satur

Learn more: Double-breasted jackets are all the rage on the red carpet

According to a press release, Lauren said it was about celebrating personal, effortless and timeless style, a sophistication that is quiet, confident and always authentic.

Getting dressed has always been an adventure for me. It's dressing for the day and the moment, for a match on the tennis courts, for a glamorous evening.

It must be said that this is not a new thing. Louis Vuitton had already presented its models in shorts on the catwalks last year.

This just goes to show that the short shorts trend is not going away and whether you like it or not, men are falling deeply in love with the idea of ​​having the freedom to show off their knees.




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