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Everything Sparkles! Jerilyns Couture School Hosts 18th Fashion Show



Cranston’s Jerilyn School of Couture held its annual fashion show on June 18 at the Gamm Theatre. The show was the school’s 18th and has been a phenomenal success since its inception.

Admission to the show consists of a can of food to be donated to the RI Community Food Bank.

“We’ve been donating to the food bank since the very beginning. Instead of charging admission, we ask everyone to bring canned goods, and every year we do more and more,” says Jerilyn Perry, the school’s founder and principal.

The theme of each show changes each year. One year, the theme was “Go Orange” to support childhood hunger awareness. This year’s theme is “The Future.” In the lobby of the theater, a display of drawings made by students illustrated what the future would look like in 2050. The children also designed objects based on what they want to be when they grow up. Planning for their creations began in January. Fabrics were chosen based on their dreams. The creations showcased during the show included bags, shirts, pants, pillows, dresses, scrunchies and headbands.

The fashion show has been held at the Gamm Theatre in Warwick for three years. “We change venues every three years because as we grow, we run out of space,” Perry said. Next year, the Jerilyn School of Sewing Fashion Show will move to a venue large enough to accommodate the size of the show. Perry is currently scouting Hope Highlands Middle School in Cranston.

For Perry, fashion shows are a family affair. His sons, Tyler and Evan, work in event production.

“They do all the production work, the sets, the lights, the music and the magic of the theatre.”

Her stepdaughter, Emily, is a theatre director and manages traffic control and breakdown services. Liz, another stepdaughter, is a stage manager and “is great at organising all the kids and helpers”.

Her husband, Dan, also helps out. Perry said, “He supports me, as well as taking care of the lobby and food donations.”

Perry opened his school 18 years ago. The first fashion show was attended by eight students. The event has evolved and grown. This year, 88 students showcased their talents.

Perry began attending sewing school as a hobby. At the time, she was a part-time accountant.

“When my youngest son was in fourth grade, he didn't want me to help him with his homework anymore.”

Her sewing school began in her basement with eight children. Today, her students come from all over the state. While many come from Warwick and Cranston, they also come from Barrington, Coventry and Richmond. She begins working with students as young as six and has adults sign up for classes as well. Each student in the class receives a workbook, and as they progress in their sewing skills, they receive a new book.

For Perry, community service is integrated into her classes. They donate items to organizations like Project Linus, Ryan's Cases for Smiles and Warm Hands Warm Hearts. Perry has invited middle and high school students who need community service to come to class and make baby blankets. Her students have also made pillowcases for Ryan's Cases for Smiles, an organization that donates pillowcases to children with cancer. She said, “I brought a group of kids because someone had donated a bunch of really fun fabric, so that's what we did. We cut them up and I taught them how to make pillowcases.”

Perry asked her students to make hats, mittens and scarves to donate to Warm Hands Warm Hearts. It was their first project last year. “I usually do it around Christmas time because I want the kids to make a gift that they can give back to the community.”

Perry is already thinking about the theme of next year's fashion show.

“We have already started planning for next year,” she added. “We have a different theme every year.”

Jerilyn Sewing School offers three to five classes per day, six days a week, every week during the school year. They also offer summer camps and classes. Anyone interested in learning more or signing up for classes can visit the Jerilyn Sewing School website.




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