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Queen Elizabeth's wedding bridesmaid dress sells for $50,000


A bridesmaid dress from Queen Elizabeth's royal wedding to Prince Philip has been auctioned off for a price fit for a princess.

On July 2, Christie's announced that the custom-made ivory Norman Hartnell dress worn by Lady Elizabeth Lambart as a bridesmaid at Princess Elizabeth's wedding in 1947 had sold for $48,420.

“This is a wonderful opportunity to acquire an evocative and rare example of royal fashion history,” Christies specialist Benedict Winter said in a statement. statement before the sale. “With its delicate design, beautiful embroidery and exquisite sense of movement, this elegant dress embodies the glamour of Sir Norman's commissions and the hope that the marriage of the late Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh brought to post-war Britain.”

The dress was expected to fetch between $38,000 and $63,000 and attract collectors of royal history or vintage couture.

On 20 November 1947, Lady Elizabeth Lambart was one of eight bridesmaids (including Princess Margaret) who slipped into matching dresses to support the future Queen Elizabeth at her royal wedding to Prince Philip at Westminster Abbey. Lambart was the daughter of the Earl and Countess of Cavan and a childhood friend of the future Queen Elizabeth.

“She grew up in the orbit of the royal family and knew Princess Elizabeth from a young age. The two girls attended the same dance school and were part of the Girl Guides at Buckingham Palace. I imagine it would have been a wonderful honour to be a bridesmaid at the royal wedding,” Winter said.

A page from Tatler magazine about the royal wedding of Queen Elizabeth in 1947.


Queen Elizabeth's bridesmaids wore ivory dresses with scoop necklines, ruched bodices and voluminous tulle skirts with satin floral headpieces in their hair. Like the bride's dress, the dresses were adorned with appliqued flowers, designed in part by head embroiderer Flora Ballard and woven by Warner & Sons, according to the Royal Collection Funds.

Hartnell was also the designer of Queen Elizabeth's wedding dress and would later create her coronation dress in 1953.

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip (center) pose for a photograph on their royal wedding day on November 20, 1947.


Lambart lent her royal bridesmaid dress to the Fashion Museum Bath from the 1980s to the early 2000s, and it was previously worn by British model Kate Moss.

Moss, now 50, took part in a photo shoot in 2012 for Love magazine in a house where Lambart was staying, “and Lady Elizabeth was persuaded to pose with her,” according to Christie's.

Winter said: “Lady Elizabeth would have found the photoshoot amusing and thought it would be fun to see Kate trying on her bridesmaid dress.”

The supermodel said: “Meeting Lady Elizabeth and wearing her dress, which had such a wonderful heritage, was a magical moment for me. I felt like I was wearing a piece of history.”

Kate Moss at the Met Gala in May 2023.

Mike Coppola/Getty

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Lambart's royal bridesmaid dress was passed down through her family upon her death in 2016 before being purchased by a private buyer on July 2.

“Commissioned directly from Norman Hartnell by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother) for the wedding of HRH Princess Elizabeth (later Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II) to be worn by Lady Elizabeth Lambart (later Longman) (1924-2016) and by descent,” Christie's said of its provenance.




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