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Sofa or couch: what’s the difference?


For me, home is a safe place that provides optimal comfort while also being a canvas for my style and aesthetic. One of the most important pieces of furniture (and often a fairly expensive purchase) is the sofa (or couch). In many homes, they serve multiple functions: a place to sit and chat with guests, a cozy retreat for afternoon naps and binge-watching your favorite shows, a secondary office, a reading nook, and a place to curl up with loved ones and/or the furry members of your household.

When shopping for that all-around seating piece, you probably considered sleeper sofas, sectional sofas, and modular sofas. You probably also wondered what the differences are, if any, between a sofa and a couch. Are sofas more comfortable? Why do you rarely see the term “sofa bed”? How do you know which one is best for your space?

What is a sofa?

Derived from the Arabic word, suffah which refers to a platform used as a bench, the sofas feature prominent backs and armrests, leaning toward formal, structured silhouettes, explains Ilaria Barion of Barion Design, Inc..

She recommends them for elegant interiors and formal living rooms, as their typically refined and symmetrical design adapts to large spaces while complementing modern, traditional or formal decor.

What is a sofa?

The term sofa comes from the French word couch, and describes an armless piece of furniture used for lying down, explains Alex Bass, founder and CEO of Salon 21 Artistic Consulting and Interior Design Studio.

According to Barion, the sofas are designed for relaxing in informal settings like family rooms and offices.

Softer, more comfortable sofas are ideal for active families and pet-friendly environments. They are also generally considered more versatile and casual.

Main differences between a couch and a sofa

Although the terms couch and sofa are often used interchangeably, subtle differences exist in their structure and construction, explains Maximilian Meiselco-founder of Fenyx, a Berlin-based startup specializing in second-hand office furniture.


Historically, Meisel explains, a sofa is a more formal piece of furniture, often with a uniform back and arms on both sides.

Sofas, which tend to be less formal, don't necessarily have arms. This makes them more versatile and suitable for a variety of settings, including a TV room, patio, porch or bedroom.


Sofas tend to be larger and may feature additional design elements like tufting or ornate legs, Meisel says. In upholstery, tufting is a technique that involves creating indented patterns by tightly sewing fabric and upholstery together.


Structurally, sofas are designed to encourage a more upright sitting position, Meisel explains.

Sofas allow for a more relaxed and reclining experience. If you live in a home that contains both a formal living room and an office, you may want to keep a sofa in the former for entertaining guests and a sofa in the latter for watching television or reading.

Does the name matter?

As a design historian, I've always seen the terms sofa and couch used interchangeably, says Christiane Lemieux, founder of modern luxury brand Lemieux and Co.but they can have different connotations depending on regional preferences, as well as subtle variations in design and usage.

In American English, she explains, the word “couch” is often used in casual speech, while the word “sofa” is more commonly used in more formal contexts or by certain people. For example, some high-end American furniture manufacturers have an aversion to the word “couch.” They insist on the word “sofa,” regardless of its shape and construction, Lemieux tells me.

In contrast, British English speakers commonly use the term “sofa” and less often the term “couch”.

Overall, every expert I consulted told me that the difference between a couch and a sofa largely comes down to personal preference, formality, and regional usage rather than strict definitions.

Understanding the traditional differences can help when making a choice based on the desired formality and function of the room, Meisel says.

What's right for your space?

Choosing the right piece of furniture depends on the function and aesthetic of the space, Meisel says. For a formal living room or office waiting area, he suggests a sofa for its structured, polished look, while a casual family room might call for a couch because it offers comfort and flexibility.

Also consider the size of your room. Sofas, which are generally larger, work well in larger spaces, while couches can fit more comfortably in smaller spaces, he says.

What should I think about before buying a sofa or couch?

Evaluate your space

Angelo Surmelis, designer and founder of angel:HOMEsuggests assessing your space first.

Start by measuring your room to determine how much space you can allocate for seating. Then, consider the layout of the room and the flow of traffic to make sure the furniture won't get in the way, he says. For example, I live in a prewar apartment in New York City. The building was built in the 1920s, when rooms were smaller. Many sofas and couches won't fit in my living room, much less in the front door. I also live on the fifth floor of a walk-up building with several 90-degree turns on the stairs, making it difficult and awkward to move larger pieces of furniture. Keep in mind that episode of the TV series Friends where Ross gets a new couch (Pivot!)?

Set your goal

Surmelis means evaluating your space in the context of seating, not your life in general. Ask yourself whether your new sofa or couch will be primarily for formal entertaining, casual lounging, or multifunctional use.

Bass recommends an L-shaped sofa as your main couch, as many people find it more comfortable. She also likes deeper cushions. If you're considering a piece that won't be used frequently, Bass tends to opt for something more structured and feminine.

If you're trying to decide whether you need a more casual or more structured option, consider how often it will be used, Bass says.

Think style and comfort

Surmelis suggests going to a store to pick out different options to select a style that not only complements your existing decor and personal tastes, but also isn't too uncomfortable to sit in. Always test for comfort, he says, paying attention to height, depth and padding.

Equipment and maintenance

Sofas and couches are made from a variety of fabrics, including leather, suede, wool, silk, and velvet, as well as lower-maintenance materials like microfiber and synthetic blends. Choose upholstery materials that fit your lifestyle, Surmelis says. For example, durable, easy-to-clean fabrics are ideal for families with children or pets.

Additional features

Surmelis suggests looking for features that enhance functionality, such as sleeper sofas for guests, storage compartments, or recliners for added comfort and dozing off in front of the ball game (like my dad).

Remember, says Surmelis, whether you opt for a couch, sofa or any other seating option, the most important thing is that you feel at home.

Meisels’ current favorite, the Togo sofa, also comes in a loveseat version. He calls the Togo truly iconic with its low, distinctive design. Originally designed by Michel Ducaroy in the 1970s for Ligne Roset, the Togo looks like a cross between a beanbag and a futon, but it’s much more comfortable and stylish than either.

Meisel says he's currently riding a wave of popularity, frequently featured in interior design magazines and appearing in many stylish and influential spaces, including the homes of celebrities like Lenny KravitzHe attributes this to its unique look, range of colours and relaxed, laid-back vibe which make it a highly Instagrammable piece that fits perfectly into modern and eclectic interiors.

You can find vintage Togo pieces on Chairist for around $3,000 and new knockoffs from various manufacturers for as little as $1,000 like this one at Wayfair.

HAS Roset Linewhich is still in operation, you can buy a new one for around $8,000.

Other sofa/couch type parts

There are many other sofa type furniture available including loveseats, couches and sofas to name a few.


Loveseats are basically mini sofas designed for two people. They're perfect for smaller spaces like a cozy living room or bedroom or as an accent piece for a larger couch, Surmelis says.


Sofas without backs are called divans. They are usually placed against a wall with cushions for support and can have a single armrest or no armrests at all. Surmelis suggests these sofas for versatile seating arrangements in home offices, guest rooms or studies.


A sofa is a small, delicate couch with a wooden frame and an upholstered seat and back, Surmelis explains. Ideal for entryways, bedrooms, or as an accent piece in a living room, it typically seats two to three people.


Sectional sofas are made up of multiple sections that can be arranged in different configurations. They often include a chaise lounge or recliner. They’re ideal for large living rooms or open spaces because they offer plenty of seating and flexibility, Surmelis says.

Whatever furniture you choose, remember, Surmelis says, that the best spaces are those that reflect who you are and how you live. Choose what works for you and enjoy the process of making your space your own.




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