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Source Fashion showcases British fashion manufacturing


The next edition of Source Fashion will take place at London Olympia from 14th-16th July and will showcase some of the UK’s leading manufacturers, suppliers and businesses supporting the fashion industry.

Suzanne Ellingham, Source Fashion event director, said: “The UK has always been recognised as a centre of excellence in fabric and textile manufacturing, as well as garment manufacturing itself. Small manufacturers and makers are proudly taking their place alongside the world’s leading manufacturing companies, ensuring that if you are looking to manufacture close to home, there are people here you can partner and work with.”

“It is incredibly important as we move forward as a responsible sourcing show that we support our British fashion industry in every way we can as our visitors are looking for these options.

Who can you expect to see at Source Fashion?

FIGASTOR: Leicester based womenswear supplier with its own design team and pattern room, offering fast sample turnaround and a full design service from research to design development. The company has its own factories in the UK, Morocco and Pakistan.

TS Knitwear UK: Specialists in handcrafted knitwear and jersey designed and manufactured in Leicester. A second generation family business established in 1976, TS Knitwear offers experience, a high-tech knitting factory dedicated entirely to fashion and the latest in seamless garment technology. An extensive supply chain across the UK and Europe and access to a vast range of yarns and fabrics, combined with dyeing facilities in France, allow for maximum flexibility and speed. Offering a range of gauges from 3 to 14, TS Knitwear can cater for all types of customers, with a variety of construction methodologies including overlocking, bonnet sewing and binding.

University town : The UK's premier supplier of authentic American varsity jackets, offering custom varsity jackets, baseball jackets, college jackets, team jackets and letterman jackets.

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BoomerangLabel: On a mission to solve the world’s lost and found issues with digital name tags, the BoomerangTag can be applied to any material with The Indestructible, or to clothing with the Iron-On. With the BoomerangTag, once scanned and registered, owners can leave and receive digital notes on items so finders can return their lost items. The BoomerangTag community also aims to create a more circular economy in a future where every affected product has a BoomerangTag and can play an active role in reducing the world’s massive pile of lost and found items. Owners can also rehome and list items for free if they need to find a home for their tagged items.

Shirley: Shirley offers technical services, OEKO-TEX certification and a full range of independent testing services. A member of the OEKO-TEX Association since 1994 and an official OEKO-TEX Institute in the UK, Kenya, South Africa and Singapore, Shirley offers a collaborative and personalised approach to help end consumers, brands and suppliers make informed decisions. With over 100 years of pioneering experience and offices around the world, Shirley is at the forefront of the textile and apparel industries, continually evolving to meet the ever-changing demands of the global textile market.

National Weaving: is a family business with over 30 years of experience, specialising in the manufacture of high quality woven and printed labels. With a flexible approach and minimum quantity requirements of just 100 labels, National Weaving is well equipped to serve both start-ups and established brands.

Commercial fabric: UK based fabric manufacturer with over 30 years experience in the fashion industry. Offering a wide range of knitted jersey fabrics produced in their Leicester factory, they also offer digitally printed and pleated fabrics produced using state of the art machinery.

In addition to the UK, 25 countries including Peru, Cambodia, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Italy and Greece will be represented at Source Fashion. Major pavilions from major industrial powers China, India and Turkey have also been confirmed, as well as Tanzania, Madagascar and Nepal, making Source Fashion the UK’s largest and most diverse sourcing show.

Earlier this year, UK clothing SMEs reported a 40% drop in revenue in the first quarter of the year, according to figures from the Manufacturers Health Index.




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