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This Northern Student Made a Graduation Dress Out of Duct Tape


'This is so cool': Monica Walsh of Dryden to win $15,000 scholarship if her dress is chosen as the best of five finalists in an international competition

THUNDER BAY — Inspired by a Brazilian artist and her love of colourful clothing, a Dryden student has reached the finals of an international competition by making a graduation gown using duct tape.

Monica Walsh is now hoping local residents will support her by voting for her creation in the Duck Tape Stuck at Prom scholarship competition.

Duck Tape is a brand manufactured by Shurtape Technologies, based in North Carolina.

Walsh, 18, recently graduated from high school and will attend Lakehead University this fall.

If she wins the competition, a large portion of her post-secondary education costs will be covered, as the prize is a $15,000 scholarship.

She is one of five people – and the only Canadian – selected for the final.

“Duct tape has a lot of fun colors, and I really wanted to incorporate that into my dress. It was inspired by Romero Britto, a Brazilian artist who does fun pop art,” Walsh said Tuesday from Loon Lake, where she summers with her family.

Her brightly colored work was created from 13 rolls of Duck tape and took approximately 126 hours to complete.

She said it was her mother who convinced her to enter the competition after hearing about it in May.

“I saw it online, but I thought I didn’t have enough time because it was too late in the school year. A few days later, my mom came into my room and told me I should sign up because I’m quite a creative person… so I started working on it nonstop.”

Reflecting on her creative journey, Walsh recalls that between 7th and 8th grade, her friends stopped using bright colors and fun patterns, but she continued to embrace brighter hues in her daily attire “to express my joyful energy.”

In a post about the competition, she said: “My goal was for my dress to be unique, runway-worthy and push the boundaries of prom fashion.”

She exhibited her creation at a school art show, but didn't find out she was a finalist in the competition until the day of her high school graduation.

As much as she would have loved to wear it to the big event, she wasn't allowed to share the news for about a week, so she decided to play it safe rather than risk letting it slip that she had made it to the finals.

“I really wanted to wear it. I thought, ‘This is so cool, and it would be great publicity.’”

Publicity is important because members of the public can help by vote for her dress on the competition website, where they can also see a video showing the different stages of her project, from start to finish.

Voting remains open until July 10.




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