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No religious symbols, makeup or deodorant allowed: What the Indian Army's dress regulations say | Explained


The Indian Army has reiterated to its personnel that they must follow official rules regarding the wearing of religious trinkets and symbols in uniform. orders were issued after Some members of the military have been seen wearing religious markers, chains and other accessories in recent social media posts.

The Army Regulations deal with the wearing of accessories in uniform, including religious symbols. They also list items that are permitted and those that are prohibited. Detailed instructions on clothing and accessories are listed in the Defence Services Regulations and the Army Dress Regulations.

What do the military rules and regulations say about wearing religious items with uniforms?

The regulations explicitly state that no unauthorized ornaments or emblems may be worn with the uniform, but a signet ring is permitted. Watch chains and trinkets may not be worn with the uniform in a manner that would make them visible.

The military dress regulations expressly state that it is forbidden to wear chains or sacred threads around the neck. If they are worn, they must be properly concealed so that they are not visible.

The rule on wearing religious trinkets or symbols in uniform states that no personnel shall wear a bangle in uniform. Only one sacred thread may be worn on the wrist (multiple threads are however not permitted) on the day of pooja. Kada may be worn only by Sikh officers, army officers, other ranks and non-Sikh officers commanding Sikh troops. No tilak/vibhuti or any other symbol shall be worn/applied in uniform.

What restrictions are in place for female staff?

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As per regulations, married women can wear the mangalsutra around their neck in such a way that it is not visible under the uniform.

The guidelines for makeup and cosmetics in uniform strictly prohibit lipstick and colored nail polish. Bindis are also prohibited. Vermilion (sindoor) may be applied to the hair parting, provided that it is not visible when the beret or cap is worn.

Women wearing the Indian Army uniform will not wear any cosmetics/make-up in any uniform. False eyelashes, eyeliner, kohl (kaajal) and application of face make-up are not permitted. Only transparent nail polish/nail paint are permitted. Face foundation cream, which acts as a sunscreen agent, may be applied conservatively and worn in field/outdoors or in areas of operations. Application of henna (mehendi) on hands, in uniform, on duty, is strictly prohibited, the orders said.

What are the jewelry orders?

With the exception of small earrings and engagement/wedding/eternity/signet rings, no jewelry is to be worn by uniformed personnel.

For female personnel, only one set of ear piercings is permitted. Wearing earrings is permitted in uniform, provided that only one pair of decorative style accessories (pearl or gemstone) is worn, with a size not exceeding 5 mm in diameter.

Nose piercing is permitted for female personnel, but no studs are to be worn in uniform. When wearing mess dress, you may wear a single stud of a neutral colour and no larger than 2.5 mm in diameter. Costume earrings, nose rings or press studs with visible metal posts are not permitted.

An engagement/wedding ring may be worn on the ring finger of the left hand. However, no rings should be worn during ceremonial parades when wearing formal attire.

What other restrictions are in effect?

The application of perfumes, deodorants, etc., is strictly prohibited for uniformed personnel. However, the use of aftershave lotions is permitted.

Wearing a watch or watch strap is prohibited, as this may pose a safety hazard. Brightly colored watches or watch straps are also prohibited. Pocket watches with a visible chain are also prohibited. During a ceremonial parade, no member shall wear a watch, except for the most senior soldier who controls the parade sequence.




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