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New Zealand mourns death of woman killed in Newport Beach Fashion Island robbery – NBC Los Angeles


New Zealand's prime minister and other leaders expressed their grief this week after learning of the tragic death of Patricia McKay, 68, who was killed during a botched robbery attempt at an Orange County shopping mall.

McKay, who was visiting Southern California with her husband from the southwestern Pacific island nation, was killed Tuesday afternoon as the couple left Fashion Island in Newport Beach. New Zealand Herald identified her husband Doug McKay as a prominent Auckland businessman and released a statement from the grieving family.

“No words can express our sadness as we try to cope with the loss of our mother, wife and friend Patricia,” the family said in its statement. “We ask for privacy as we work through this difficult time as a family.”

The country's prime minister called McKay's death a devastating loss.

“My thoughts are with the McKay family after the devastating loss of Trish,” New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon said in a statement. publish on X“They are wonderful people and my thoughts are with Doug, his family and everyone who knew Trish.”

Auckland's deputy mayor also shared her grief.

Trish was the wife of Doug McKay who was (among other important roles) the first CEO of the amalgamated Auckland Council”, Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson said in a post“Trish was amazing: funny, loyal and loving. My deepest condolences to Doug and his family. I am absolutely shocked.”

Flowers, notes and other items were placed at the entrance to the Newport Beach mall in memory of McKay. She was struck and killed by the suspects' car as they fled the scene of the attempted robbery.

Witnesses told police that two men, one armed with a gun, attempted to rob the couple as they walked outside the mall. During the attempted robbery, the woman was dragged onto the road and hit by a car with a third suspect at the wheel, police said.

Patricia McKay died instantly.

“It was a tragic loss,” said Sergeant Steven Oberon of the Newport Beach Police Department.

Her husband was not injured.

One of three men arrested for allegedly trying to rob a New Zealand tourist before killing her, reportedly has a criminal history. Amber Frias reports for NBC4 News at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, July 3, 2024.

One of the men fired a handgun three times during the robbery, but no one was hit by the gunfire, police said.

A chase ensued after the three men in the white sedan failed to yield to a traffic stop. One suspect got out of the car in Cypress but was eventually taken into custody. The other two men were arrested after abandoning the car in Los Angeles County.

The suspects have been identified as Leroyernest Joseph McCrary, 26, of Compton; Jaden Cunningham, 18, of Lancaster; and Malachi Eddward Darnell, 18, of Los Angeles. NBCLA has learned that the older suspect has a criminal history, including robbing a tourist at gunpoint in Santa Monica in 2022.

“To hell with these guys,” Newport Beach Mayor Will O'Neil said. “They came to our city knowing they were going to commit a crime, and a woman died today because of it.”




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