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Lululemon July 4, 2024 Sale


As we gear up for fireworks, barbecues, and festive celebrations this Independence Day, the Fourth of July also brings incredible deals on just about everything, including fashion essentials. Case in point: Lululemon's Fourth of July sale is live, with the athletic brand slashing prices on its products even further Section We've done too much.

With savings on bra tops like the Align Asymmetrical Bra from $29 and the popular Align the leggings With 30% off, it's the perfect opportunity to stock up on stylish wardrobe staples for the grocery store, gym, airport and more. For big savings, here are some of Lululemon's best 4th of July sales you can take advantage of right now.

Lululemon Women's 4th of July Sale at a Glance

Men's A Look at Lululemon's 4th of July Sale

Lululemon 4th of July Best Sellers: Women

The Lululemon Align Asymmetrical Bra offers both style and comfort as you stretch and bend through different positions during your yoga practice. Made from soft, breathable Nulu fabric, it offers lightweight support and is ideal for low-impact workouts. Choose from three colorways, including classic black and baby pink.

Designed for runners, these low-rise shorts feature four-way stretch for ultimate comfort. The inner lining is lightweight, sweat-wicking and quick-drying. Choose from 13 vibrant colors, but quick sizes are limited.

Whether you're rushing out the door to drop the kids off at school or looking to throw on something comfy after your workout, nothing beats the comfort of an oversized sweatshirt. The Scuba Oversized Hoodie is velvety soft, features a neat kangaroo pocket to keep your phone safe, and has sleeves with thumbholes for added comfort.

The Align collection is best known for its soft, perfectly stretchy fabric that's designed to fit like a second skin, making it a favorite among runners and gym-goers alike. This short in lilac, peach, dark olive, and mauve is currently 33% off and available in sizes 0-20.

Much like the Align High-Waisted Cropped Pant, the Align Cami Tank is breathable and comfortable for running errands or lounging around the house. Currently 28% off, it also offers light support for low-impact workouts and comes in four colors, including a pretty powder blue, bright green, and pink.

The Align Racerback Tank is just as soft and comfortable as the Align Cami Tank, but offers a little more coverage. Not too long and not too short, the top hits right at the waistband for a flattering fit.

Whether you're running errands, rushing to get the kids to class, or boarding a long-haul flight to Europe, these mid-rise tapered pants are designed to keep you comfortable without sacrificing style. Made from stretchy, sweat-wicking fabric, they offer breathability and a flattering fit.

If you’re looking for the perfect shorts for this summer, look no further than these Utilitech Relaxed Fit High-Waisted Shorts, currently 30% off. They’re stretchy, buttery soft, and best of all, have a relaxed, loose, and flattering fit. As a bonus, they feature a wrinkle-free twill texture for a sleek, polished look.

Another adorable wardrobe staple, the Align Dress is a versatile piece that can be worn for a morning walk, a Pilates class, or a grocery run. Plus, it's made from the same soft, stretchy fabric as the Align Leggings.

Lululemon's 4th of July Best Sellers: Men

These trendy running shorts offer a relaxed fit with breathable, quick-drying, sweat-wicking fabric. On sale for 56% off, the discount is available in three colors, including bright yellow, green, and chartreuse green.

These fan-favorite shorts are made from lightweight, moisture-wicking fabric that feels like a second skin during your workout. Grab a pair in six different colors.

Crafted with moisture-wicking, odor-resistant yarns and featuring an underarm gusset for easy movement, this classic tee offers a flattering fit. Plus, it has a soft, breathable feel that's perfect for lounging around the house, running errands, hitting the gym and more.

Lululemon's License To Train Tank Top is a popular choice, known for its airy silhouette and quick-drying technology. Priced at just $39, it comes in two flattering colorways.

Lounge around in these comfy joggers, made from a naturally breathable and incredibly soft cotton-blend fleece fabric. They come in four solid colors, with dark green and navy priced at $69, and beige and soft brown available for $89.

Another wardrobe staple, this stylish polo shirt is stretchy, sweat-wicking and features anti-odor technology. It features a slim fit and is available in three colors.

Lululemon makes great, premium basics for everyday wear. Take the Steady State Full-Zip Hoodie, for example, which is both soft and naturally breathable. It has a relaxed fit and features a hidden phone pocket and handy compartments for storing your essentials on the go.

More sales to discover on July 4th




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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