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Teachers wear their old wedding dresses for school dress-up day


Two Nevada art teachers pulled off their school's costume day while enjoying a little wedding nostalgia along the way!

Loreal Hemenway and Stephanie Osmundson of Henderson received an email from their school administration asking them to dress in a “Back of the Closet” theme for an upcoming staff development day, according to a video post which the couple shared on Instagram under their joint account Happy Ever After Elementary SchoolWomen immediately embraced the theme and found the perfect idea for their looks.

“The idea came to me that we should really dig deep into our closets and wear our wedding dresses to school,” Hemenway said. Business Insidernoting that their colleagues wore more expected items like varsity jackets and sports jerseys.

In their video, which quickly went viral, the women can be seen arriving at work proudly sporting their evening gowns, but this time, instead of veils, they accessorized with colorful backpacks and insulated tumblers. Hemenway's dress featured a shimmering sweetheart bodice and a voluminous tulle skirt, while Osmundson's had a trumpet-style silhouette and a bejeweled belt around the waist.

Their colleagues can be heard reacting with laughter and cheers as they walked around the building in their elegant bridal outfits.

β€œWe were very nervous and worried about what it would look like when we had our staff,” Hemenway told the outlet. β€œSo we waited until the room was almost full before we went in, and we were greeted with nothing but laughter and smiles, which was awesome.”

“There's always a little bit of shock value in everything, but ultimately I don't think anyone we've worked with has been even remotely surprised that we're doing this,” Osmundson added.

The duo captioned their Instagram post: “Just a typical dress up day at school πŸ‘€πŸ‘°πŸ»πŸ‘°πŸΌπŸ’πŸ’’πŸ’–πŸ€£. Um, the task was to wear what's at the BACK OF YOUR CLOSET!!! We followed the task 🀷.”

β€œWe are grateful to a team of beautiful bridesmaids and specialists who have thrilled us πŸ«ΆπŸ»πŸ’—,” they added. β€œWe couldn’t sit down, but the fact that they fit our feet is amazing enough!”

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According to Business Insider, Hemenway and Osmundson share the same job as an art teacher at the school and have been teaching for 10 and eight years, respectively. Osmundson said the two men are always looking for ways to bring a sense of fun and positive energy to their work.

“If the teachers can't match the energy of the kids and bring that energy to them, then what's the point? So it's always us trying to bring an extra fun and engagement factor through the costumes,” she told Business Insider.

The teachers also revealed that their wedding dress project had another surprising outcome. Both were able to enjoy a little walk down memory lane with their husbands after digging out their dresses from their closets.

The Hemenways took a photo with Loreal wearing her dress to mark their 10th anniversary earlier, and the Osmundsons shared a sentimental dance in their home to remember their wedding.

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β€œIt was really nostalgic and meaningful,” Stephanie told Business Insider. β€œI think it was an unexpected benefit of embarrassing ourselves that day.”




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