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'Bachelorette' Star Jenn Tran Says It's 'Too Bad' There Weren't More Asian Men on Her Season


Jenn Tran expresses disappointment over the lack of Asian-American men on her upcoming season of 'The Bachelorette.'

Tran made history in March when she was named the first Asian American “Bachelorette” after winning fans’ hearts as a contestant on Joey Graziadei’s season of “The Bachelor.”

I can't really speak to the casting process and the decisions that were made, but it's unfortunate that there weren't a lot of Asian men this season, she said.Charm ahead of its season of the ABC dating competition, which begins July 8.

Jen Tran
Twenty-five men were selected for Tran's season.Wade Payne / The Walt Disney Company

Asian men haven't always seen themselves in this position, and I hope that my presence here and that of candidate Thomas N. will both inspire other Asian men to realize that they can do this too if they want to. They can be in this position too,” she added.

Much like “The Bachelor,” the “Bachelorette” spinoff, which first aired in 2003, has been criticized over the years for its lack of diversity. It wasn’t until 2017 that the show introduced its first black lead, Rachel Lindsay.

Tran, who grew up as the daughter of Vietnamese immigrants in New Jersey, described the bond she formed with candidate Thomas N. over their shared Asian-American background during an on-air discussion.

“It was a very special conversation for me because he really understood where I came from and how much my family means to me,” Tran said. “Knowing that my parents immigrated here to give me a better life, the sacrifices they made and the internal battle I have to give back in any way I can while trying to be independent…being the child of immigrant parents is something that not everyone can understand.”

Tran described to Glamour how powerful it was to realize she was the “top choice” of the 25 contestants competing for his heart.

“I grew up in a predominantly white suburb, and I always felt different. I was a minority. I never felt like I belonged,” she explains. “Growing up, I never really felt like I was anyone’s first choice because I was unique in my own way, and I didn’t always see that as a strength or a superpower. I always wanted to get away from it and be like everyone else.”

“But I’ve gotten to a point in my life where I’m so proud of who I am and where I come from, and I’m so excited to be able to share that with everyone,” she added. “But yeah, at that point, it was really comforting for me because I’ve never felt like I was wanted in that way.”

Tran also said she understands how important it is for Asian American viewers to finally see someone who looks like them.

“Every time someone comes up to me and says, ‘I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long,’ I know how much it means because growing up, it’s hard when you don’t have any representation,” she said.

It's like, okay, I'm doing this for a reason, and everyone understands how I feel and I understand how you feel.




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