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Michelle Keegan Wears Kim Kardashian's Met Gala Dress


Michelle Keegan's Instagram page is like a Pinterest board for her fans who love her neutral, chic wardrobe.Ten pound poms The star stepped it up a gear on Wednesday when she revealed the clothes and accessories featured in a new shoot she starred in.

The old oneCoronation StreetThe 37-year-old actress filmed the studio floor where countless pairs of designer shoes were laid out, ready to be worn by Michelle. Watch the video below.

VIDEO: Michelle Keegan Shows Off Her Shoe Collection in Secret Photoshoot

The most exciting glimpse of all was Michelle's dress hanging, ready to be put on. The image of the garment showed a white Schiaparelli piece with a gold ring on the chest.

Close-up of the Schiaparelli dress© Instagram
Michelle teased her Schiaparelli dress

The dress appears to be the “Keyhole Short Dress” from the brand’s ready-to-wear line. It features an off-the-shoulder neckline with a draped skirt and ruching on the bodice.

black leather boot close up© Instagram
Michelle gave a sneak peek at her shoes during filming

THE Fool me once The star also teased a pair of black leather knee-high boots that would add a touch of style to the chic midi dress. “Ohhhhh, can't wait to show you today's shoot,” Mark Wright's wife wrote, tagging her stylist Thomas George Wulbern.

Michelle's inspiration

The real question is whether Michelle took inspiration from Kim Kardashian, who wore the Italian designer to the 2023 Met Gala.

Kim wore a custom look by Daniel Roseberry for Schiaparelli © Getty
Kim wore a custom look by Daniel Roseberry for Schiaparelli

The 43-year-old Skims founder and mother of four honored Karl Lagerfeld in keeping with the evening's dress code, arriving at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art in a barely-there gown covered in 50,000 freshwater pearls.

Kim opted for draped pearls by Schiaparelli © Getty
Kim opted for draped pearls by Schiaparelli

Schiaparelli's Daniel Roseberry designed this look, which featured a corseted bodysuit draped in strands of pearls, as well as 16,000 crystals, to create the effect of a skirt.

Kim Kardashian and North West are seen leaving the Ritz Hotel on May 1, 2023 in New York City. © Getty
North West accompanied her mother Kim to the Met Gala after-party

Michelle's Most Fashionable Moments

This isn't the first time the actress has caused a stir with her designs. In June, Michelle attended the launch of her new Lip Idle Butterglow collection at the Idle House pop-up in Covent Garden, where she looked every bit the modern bride.

Michelle Keegan in white dress in front of pink lockers© Darren Gerrish
Michelle looked radiant in white at the Lancme pop-up store in Covent Garden

Hailing from Stockport, she wore a midi A-line dress by 16Arlington, which had 'raised hips' accentuated by padding to create a more exaggerated silhouette. She teamed the angelic white look with pointed heels and a chic updo.

Michelle Keegan in white against pink lockers© Getty
Michelle Keegan attends the launch of the new Lip Idole Butterglow

THE Our daughterThe star also opted for a timeless, elegant look while attending the BAFTA Film Awards at the Royal Festival Hall in February. Michelle wore a figure-hugging black dress with an oversized white collar and button-up front.

Michelle Keegan attends the EE BAFTA Film Awards 2024 at Royal Festival Hall on February 18, 2024 in London, England© Gareth Cattermole/BAFTA
Michelle Keegan looked like a Hollywood star at the 2024 BAFTA Film Awards

DISCOVER: Michelle Keegan and Mark Wright's Endless Garden in 12ft-High House Will Leave You in Awe

She added a vintage touch with a pair of long black gloves and put her pointy-toe heels back on.

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