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Riyadh Air parades on the fashion catwalks

Many are eagerly awaiting the upcoming unveiling of Riyadh Air's Boeing 787-9 three-class cabins, which promise a very high level of comfort and luxury in business and premium economy class. And the anticipation is only growing, following the reveal of the airline's proposed crew uniforms at Paris Haute Couture Week.

The new Saudi airline, which is wholly owned by the Public Investment Fund (PIF), has tapped Saudi fashion designer Mohammed Ashi, founder and creative director of the Ashi Studio fashion house in Paris, to create the collection. Ashi took inspiration from elements of Riyadh Airs’ aircraft livery to create bespoke colours for the uniforms, which he says will also complement the cabin interiors, which will be unveiled later this year ahead of the airline’s entry into service in 2025. The full outfit collection is expected to launch early next year.

The lifestyle collection for the airline’s frontline crew includes dozens of seasonal looks for cabin crew, pilots, concierges and airport agents, 15 of which were unveiled during haute couture week. The collection includes 10 women’s looks, each complemented by accessories, and five men’s looks.

The Ashi Collection features dozens of seasonal looks for Riyadh Air’s frontline staff

Concepts include classic cashmere outerwear, fine wool dresses and trousers, bespoke leather shoes and amethyst earrings. The collection is partly inspired by 1950s airline fashion (particularly pillbox hats), widely considered the golden age of aviation, updated with a bold, modern style.

“The clothing line has a practical aspect that means it’s easy and comfortable to wear. We wanted the theme of the collection to pay homage to the golden age of aviation, so I took that literally and went back to the 1950s when luxury aviation was at its peak,” Ashi said. “What we’ve done here is modernize the lines and push them to be more relevant but with the glamour of the golden age.”

Electric amethyst is a key color in the Riyadh Air womenswear collection

The color tones of the looks include Electric Amethyst for womenswear and Dark Amethyst for menswear, the shades pay homage to the stunning lavender fields of Saudi Arabia, which also inspired the main color of the Riyadh Airs brand.

The lines, shadows and silhouettes of the concepts also incorporate distinctive Riyadh Air elements, such as the twisted shape of the canopy found in the Riyadh Air brand. The coats and jackets worn at the Paris launch also echo the modern lines of the Riyadh Air logo.

The collection is inspired by Riyadh Air's livery and branding

Ashi said of the collaboration: “Designing for Saudi Arabia’s new national airline was a huge impact on me, knowing that we are making history. Fashion and aviation have had collaborations in the past, but their heyday was over 50 years ago, and I wanted to draw inspiration from that era. This is an incredible collaboration where fashion helps make a modern airline look completely unique.”

Another hint of what might come is Riyadh Air’s partnership with Lucid, the electric vehicle maker, which covers marketing, sales and operational flows for customers. Sustainable transportation to and from airports for business class customers perhaps?

Dark amethyst is applied in Riyadh Air men's clothing collection




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