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Simon Cowell's Fiancée Lauren Silverman Dazzles in White Wedding Dress


Celebrities stepped out in their finest outfits at Wimbledon on Wednesday to watch the famous tennis tournament, and we loved seeing what the most stylish were wearing.

WATCH: All About Simon Cowell

Simon Cowell's fiancée Lauren Silverman looked stunning in a stunning white gown by high-end label Alaia, which she accessorised with a waist-defining black belt and black heels.

Lauren arrived as a guest of Emirates, the official airline partner of The Championships, Wimbledon, to attend the Emirates x GOOD MORNING! All Love lunch in style.

Lauren Silverman wears a white dress in the Emirates Suite © Photo by Hoda Davaine
Lauren Silverman looked stunning as she attended the Emirates x HELLO! All Love lunch at Wimbledon

Speaking exclusively to GOOD MORNING!The mother-of-one said: “It's a little hard to know what to wear when it's cold and rainy and it's supposed to be summer, but I'm wearing an Alaia dress, Alaia bag and Manolo Blahnik shoes.” Gorgeous!

The late designer was a great choice for Lauren, who always turns heads with her exquisite wardrobe. French-Tunisian fashion designer Azzedine Alaia was famous for his body-hugging designs and his work with supermodel Naomi Campbell.

Lauren Silverman at Wimbledon in a white belted dress© Photo by Hoda Davaine
Simon Cowell's partner looked stunning in an Alaia dress, Alaia bag and Manolo Blahnik shoes

His brilliant career took off in the 1980s when he gained a string of famous fans including Tina Turner, Raquel Welch, Madonna, Janet Jackson, Brigitte Nielsen and Grace Jones, who wore several of his designs in the James Bond film A View to a Kill.

Emirates offers ‘fly better’ experiences in the all-new Emirates Suite, which epitomises the airline’s premium hospitality experience. Lauren and her fellow passengers enjoyed champagne, wines and gin whilst enjoying a selection of world-class cuisine.

Lauren Silverman poses in the Emirates suite at Wimbledon© Photo by Hoda Davaine
Lauren arrived as a guest of Emirates, the official airline partner of The Championships, Wimbledon

American-born Lauren has been engaged to Simon for three years. The 46-year-old exclusively told HELLO! that the TV personality has changed a lot since he first found fame on The X FactorAnd American Idol.

Lauren Silverman Lunches at the Emirates Suite at Wimbledon © Photo by Hoda Davaine
Emirates offers 'fly better' experiences in the all-new Emirates Suite, and Lauren enjoyed a world-class lunch

She noted: “He would stay up until crazy hours and sometimes wake up at two in the afternoon. But obviously, I'm a mom and life doesn't work like that. I'm always trying to help him find that balance because he's a workaholic. He loves his job, which is fantastic.”

BETTER DRESSED:Hannah Waddingham and Rochelle Humes bring glamour as they join stars on day three of Wimbledon

Simon Cowell and Lauren Silverman Host Charity Event
Simon and Lauren pictured hosting charity event

The brunette beauty added: “But sometimes he needs Eric and I to push him to do more normal things and get up at a reasonable hour. And I guess in that sense we've helped him – and he's definitely improved a lot since we first met, that's for sure.”

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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