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Pharrell Williams and Louis Vuitton's Cowboy Collection Just Hit Stores. Here's Why It Matters


Pharrell and Beyoncé are probably the the two most wanted People all over the world definitely came together last year to talk about cowboys. You can't convince this young man otherwise.

As artistic director of Louis Vuitton Menswear, Pharrell Williams presented a rodeo-ready fall/winter 2024 collection at the first Paris Fashion Week of the year in January. Beyonce Carter the cowboy a rootin'-tootin' masterpiece in March. In the month between (so, February), Ms. Carter attended the 2024 Grammys in a Louis Vuitton Look worthy of a 19th century sheriff.

Maybe they reconnected after Pharrell Williams' inaugural LV show in Paris last June, which Beyoncé and her husband, Jay(-Z), attended. Maybe before, maybe after.

Regardless, one thing is for sure: they succeeded in reclaiming the Wild West for black people who were and still are very important to country culture. (Including its music.) Santi Elijah Holley did a great job of summarizing the influence of black artists on the genre for National Geographicif you are interested.)

louis vuitton AW24 cowboy collection

Julien DaCosta for Polaroid

To mark the launch of Louis Vuitton's AW24 collection, I spoke to two of the black cowboys who walked the western-inspired runway, as well as some of the black creatives who have been raising awareness in their own ways.

Ronnie Davis, Oklahoma cowboy, Louis Vuitton model

“Pharrell had authentic cowboys showcase his western wear, which means a lot because black cowboys, like myself, are often overlooked and under-booked, even though Bill Pickett, a black cowboy, invented the discipline of wrestling that is played at a professional level on every professional rodeo platform.

“It was nice to receive recognition from a well-respected brand, as a black cowboy but also as a Seminole Native American. My Native American heritage was recognized through turquoise details and more. I am representing and spreading the recognition of both cultures.”

Taylor Williams, Oklahoma cowboy, Louis Vuitton model

“It means a lot that we are getting the recognition we deserve. The word cowboy was originally used to describe black people. White cowboys were called cowhands.

“Nat Love, Bill Pickett and Bass Reeves were among the first black cowboys. They learned their ways from the Spanish vaqueros who introduced cattle to Mexico in the 1500s. But people don't realize that there were, and still are, black cowboys, even though the black rodeo circuit is much smaller than the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association.

“I spread the word and tell my story wherever I go.”

Ivan McClellan Photographer and founder of Eight Seconds, a project focused on documenting black cowboy culture

“Black cowboys are essential, cool, and untapped, so seeing their culture get the attention it deserves is both enjoyable and rewarding.

“I was the only photographer at my first black rodeo in 2015; now, two of the cowboys who work our Eight Seconds Juneteenth rodeo Kamal Miller and Ronnie Davis represent the culture on an international stage: the LV show. It's a level of authenticity you rarely see in fashion or the media.”

Otis Quaicoe, a Ghanaian artist based in Oregon, is behind Black Rodeo: 21st Century Cowboys

“I grew up in Ghana and was a huge fan of cowboy movies, but at the time I had no idea that black cowboys existed. So much has been left out of the media about cowboys, but with what Beyoncé and Pharrell are doing, the truth is coming out.

“It’s so important to see someone who looks like me representing this culture, it makes me feel more connected to it. We need to break barriers. We need to show who we are. We are talented and creative. Pharrell, alongside Beyoncé, is showcasing black cowboys in a way that has never been seen before. To see it in this luxury brand is so encouraging. It inspires us and motivates us to do what we do best: create. This is what we’ve been waiting for. This is what we’ve been waiting to do.”

Stephanie Seales Author of My dad is a cowboy

“Thanks to research for My dad is a cowboyI learned that historically, one in four cowboys were black. I didn't know that growing up. We haven't seen a lot of black cowboys in the mainstream media until very recently. Anti-blackness has tried to erase black people from cowboy culture, so I'm glad to see someone shining a light on black cowboy culture! And the fact that Carter the cowboy and the Pharrell collection came out around that which signifies an increased cultural emphasis.

Ready to saddle up? Visit the Louis Vuitton Online Store to buy the collection.




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