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Tennis Star Played Wimbledon in $298 Version of Her Wedding Dress


Marta Kostyuk, 22, beat two challengers and suffered one loss wearing the $298 Wilson jersey “Marta dress.” The garment is inspired by the dress made for Kostyuk's November 2023 wedding by Joelle Michaeloff, the brand's vice president of design.

Kostyuk wore a tribute to her wedding outfit for the first time at Wimbledon 2024 on Monday, beating Slovakia's Rebecca Ramkov. On Thursday, she beat Australia's Daria Saville and wore the same look on Friday, when American Madison Keys ended her winning streak.

Marta Kostyuk removes the overlay of her Wilson tennis dress before her match against Madison Keys on day five of Wimbledon 2024.

The Wilson dress features a removable sheer overlay that Kostyuk unbuttoned before entering the court.

John Walton/PA Images via Getty Images

In a YouTube excerpt Posted by Wilson on July 1, Kostyuk said her wedding dress and tennis dresses were designed to be “light, comfortable, free, feminine” and “beautiful.”

Much like Kostyuk's wedding dress, which she wore to marry her current husband George Kyzymenko, the tennis dress is sleeveless and semi-backless, with a sloping V-neck and a sheer outer layer.

Marta Kostyuk of Ukraine wearing her bride-inspired tennis dress on July 4, 2024 at Wimbledon.

Kostyuk wanted the dress to be “light” and “feminine.”

Daniel Kopatsch/Getty Images

“I want people to see this dress and think, ‘Wow, I could actually get married in the dress she’s in,’” Kostyuk said.

Kostyuk said Vogue Earlier this week, she said hiring Michaeloff as her wedding dress designer was a spur-of-the-moment decision.

Michaeloff, who worked for Lululemon before joining iconic tennis brand Wilson in 2020, designed 12 designs before arriving at a final version: a silk organza dress covered by a removable sheer piece with floral appliques that Kostyuk would remove for the after-party, according to Vogue.

“I wanted it to be easy and really functional,” Michaeloff told Vogue, describing the dress, made from a highly shimmering Italian fabric, as one of the “most technical wedding dresses ever made.”

“It has a built-in shelf, kind of like our tennis dresses,” she said. “It fit her really well and looked like she could go play a match in it.”

She's not the only player playing Wimbledon in style.

American tennis star Coco Gauff wore a crisp white dress with cutouts at the waist that some suspect was inspired by a look Serena Williams wore to Wimbledon in 2019, while Naomi Osaka took to the court July 1st in an asymmetrical ruffled two-piece set designed by Nike.

Representatives for Kostyuk and Wilson did not immediately respond to a request for comment from BI.




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