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Taylor Swift's 'Imgonnagetyouback' Makes Live Debut in Amsterdam

Taylor Swift's 'Imgonnagetyouback' Makes Live Debut in Amsterdam
Taylor Swift's 'Imgonnagetyouback' Makes Live Debut in Amsterdam


Taylor Swift fans know they're in for a good time when the Eras Tour creator declares from the stage, “I'm gonna do something I've never done live before.” Those were the words uttered through Swift's red lips on Friday night (July 5) in Amsterdam, where she made her live debut of “imgonnagetyouback” during her acoustic set at the Johan Cruyff Arena.

“Please come back,” the sexy one Anthology song about attracting an old flame (found on the 31 Songs edition of The Department of Tortured Poets) begins with Swift setting the scene: “A short lilac skirt, the one that fits me like skin.” She soon asserts, “I'll tell you one thing, honey / I can tell when someone still wants me, tell me the truth.”

“I don’t know yet if I’m gonna be your wife or if I’m gonna break your bike, but I’m gonna get you back,” goes the chorus of “Imgonnagetyouback.” “I don’t know yet if I’m gonna curse you out or if I’m gonna take you home, but I’m gonna get you back.”

“I hear the whispers in your eyes / I’ll make you think twice / You’ll find out you were never different than mine / You’re mine,” Swift sang on stage in Amsterdam, acoustic guitar in hand.

In the surprise song section of Swift's Friday night show, when the hitmaker performed “Imgonnagetyouback” live for the very first time, she made the song even spicier by linking it to Reputation slow jam “Dress”.

“Say my name and it all stops / I don’t want you as my best friend / I bought this dress just so you could take it off / Take it off, ha, ha, ha,” she sang on the seductive mashup, segueing from “Dress” into the bridge “imgonnagetyouback”: “I can feel it coming, buzzing in the way you move / Hit the reset button, we become something new / Say you got someone, I’ll say I got someone too / Even if it’s handcuffed, I’m leaving here with you.”

After her guitar performance, Swift followed up with a piano love story.

She sang the delicate “You Are in Love,” a luxury track from 1989 era, woven into the dreamy “Cowboy Like Me,” by Always.

“You can hear it in the silence / You can feel it on the way home / You can see it with the lights out / You're in love, true love,” Swift mused from “You Are in Love,” before singing about falling for “a cowboy like me.”

“Now you’re hanging on my lips like the gardens of Babylon/ With your boots under my bed, eternity is the sweetest of scams,” she mused. “You had a few tricks up your sleeve/ It takes one to know one.”

Bridging the two moments, she sang, “But you can hear it in the silence/ You can feel it on the way home/ You can see it with the lights out/ You’re a cowboy like me, and you were in love.”

The pop icon, whose The Department of Tortured Poets The album remains at the top of the Billboard 200 chart and has now featured most of the tracks from his latest album live. What songs from the album have not yet been performed live? “So Long, London,” “Florida!!!” feat. Florence + The Machine, “Cassandra,” and “Robin.”

Watch below clips of Swift's surprise July 5 songs, captured by fans during Friday night's show in Amsterdam.




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