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Hugo streetwear collection, Les Benjamins: details, photos and more

Hugo streetwear collection, Les Benjamins: details, photos and more
Hugo streetwear collection, Les Benjamins: details, photos and more


Hugo and Les Benjamins are teaming up for a joint collection that explores the East and the West.

The German fashion brand and the Turkish streetwear label are joining forces for a fashion and accessories collection that will launch on Thursday. The collection will explore Eastern and Western cultures and “mark a celebration of shared histories, cultural dialogues and the unifying power of creative expression,” according to the brands.

“Hugo x Les Benjamins is a dynamic exploration of cultural intersections, where the rich heritage of Istanbul’s streets meets Hugo’s expressive style,” said Marco Falcioni, Senior Vice President of Creative Direction at Hugo Boss. “This collaboration is more than just a fusion of aesthetics; it is a dialogue between traditions, a blend of stories and a bold statement about the power of fashion to bring worlds together and inspire people around the world. By embracing Les Benjamins’ unique perspective and Hugo’s innovative design DNA, we have created a collection that celebrates the spirit of discovery, the joy of creative expression and the shared journey of interculturality.”

Hugo and Les Benjamins team up for a fashion collection

Styles from the Hugo x Les Benjamins collaboration.

Courtesy of Hugo

The collection features 18 pieces for men, women and unisex, including a varsity-style bomber jacket, a boxy double-breasted suit, graphic tees, cropped blazers and more.

Many models are designed with a swan motif, described as a “symbol of unity between Turkey and Germany,” as well as a rose detail that is meant to “signify the enduring love that connects families and partners.” There is also a double key symbol, which pays homage to the family of Les Benjamins founder Bünyamin Aydin.

“This collaboration with Hugo is a tribute to my Gastarbeiter grandparents, whose journey from Turkey to Germany in the 1960s shaped my identity and whose courage shaped who I am today,” he said. “Being at peace with my identity as a proud German Turk without having to choose a side is incredibly rewarding, and I hope this capsule inspires others to embrace their duality and be true to themselves. I really enjoyed collaborating with Hugo and having the opportunity to express my untapped story as the first Turkish-German fashion designer. It will open many doors.”

The collaboration is Hugo’s latest this year. In February, the brand teamed up with Formula 1 team Red Bull Visa Cash App as the team’s official apparel partner. The partnership follows parent company Boss’ partnership with Formula 1 team Aston Martin.

The Hugo x Les Benjamins collection will be available for purchase in Hugo stores, on the website and through wholesale partners and will range in price from $78 to $795.




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