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I'm a fashion editor in Los Angeles and here are the best trends for summer 2024

I'm a fashion editor in Los Angeles and here are the best trends for summer 2024
I'm a fashion editor in Los Angeles and here are the best trends for summer 2024


If there's one city where summer dressing is on point, it's Los Angeles, where I've lived for the past four years. We have an advantage in that we arrive well before everyone else this season, which gives us time to perfect our wardrobes. And while the style is far from one-size-fits-all, like any major city, you'll find that most neighborhoods have their own unique look. There are a few trends you'll notice throughout.

Much like the LA lifestyle, fashion is more laid-back, which means relaxed silhouettes dominate, from baggy shorts to flowy dresses. And since we tend to gravitate toward more casual pieces, accessories play a major role in making these staples stand out.

Below, check out the five summer trends I saw people wearing in Los Angeles.

Prairie dresses


I recently went to an event where I was one of the few people not I wore a vintage-inspired prairie dress, and the first thing I did when I got home was buy one. Cottagecore style offers elegance and comfort with flowy silhouettes, lace and eyelet details, and romantic touches like delicate florals and little bows. Gaps' summer collaboration with DEN included the perfect modern prairie dress: a white eyelet style with a gathered waist, cinched neckline and ruffled skirt. Other styles I love include This long dress with lace trim from J.Crew and Free Peoples Poet Mini Dresswhich features a summery gingham print, embroidery at the neck and short puffed sleeves.

Anything but denim shorts


I am just as shocked by the number of Angelinanis who wear long jeans in 80 degree heat as I am by the way little wear cut-off jeans. While denim shorts may be the hottest summer item everywhere else, they're pretty rare here. Instead, you'll find everything from Business-inspired pleated linen Bermuda shorts has knitted short shorts. This casual drawstring style This is something I see almost every weekend when I'm out shopping, but if you want something a little less casual, this embroidered version in linen blend is also a great option.

Raised flip flops

Tory Burch

Flip-flops are back, but we're past the flimsy, sub-$5 styles of the 2010s. Instead, I'm seeing upgraded versions of the classic summer shoe everywhere. One that debuted last summer is back for 2024: the leather flip flopwhich offers a rich look and durability (because we no longer replace our sandals every four weeks). And if you still want a little more punchconsider getting it in a trendy colorthis silver pair from Tory Burch is a personal favorite or with a small heel.

White tank top


Los Angeles style can be pretty basic, but not necessarily in a bad way. The city often gravitates toward simple looks like classic jeans and a good white tee, so in the summer, a white tank top becomes the go-to piece. This wardrobe staple pairs with everything from wide-leg pants, jeans, and shorts to bodycon skirts, and makes the perfect base for a statement necklace like the one below or an oversized bag. I love it $8 tank top from Gapyou can't go wrong with a ribbed design, but I'm also eyeing This pearl-trimmed model from J.Crew as well as this tank filled with lettuce for when I want my basic to be, well, less basic.

Charm necklaces


Chunky charm necklaces have taken over Los Angeles. This eye-catching accessory elevates simple outfits, adding intrigue and personality to a basic white tank and a modern twist to those prairie dresses. While Los Angeles has several stores where you can create your own, you can also make it easier on yourself by purchasing one online. This one from J.Crew is perfect for summer with ocean-inspired charms, while this pearl of Anthropology answers my maximalist prayers. All-gold option for coaches is chic with small charms inspired by the brand, and at Baublebaryou can customize your own necklace.




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