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Olivia Culpo's wedding dress drama, explained.

Olivia Culpo's wedding dress drama, explained.
Olivia Culpo's wedding dress drama, explained.


Oh, Olivia Culpo. How I wanted to peruse your wedding contents with the deepest green envy. You had it all: the hot football player husband, the It-Girl sisters, the all-star guests. You could have had a
Sofia Richie moment, and instead we were here.

June 29, 2024, Miss Universe and model
Olivia Culpo and San Francisco 49ers star running back Christian McCaffrey invited their A-list friends to Watch Hill, Rhode Island for what was supposed to be the most spectacular wedding of the year.

As the images slowly and with
Vogue on site for full access, the Culpo-McCaffrey union had the potential to be the Pinterest wedding of your dreams. Everyone wanted to see the bride. Olivia Culpo has become a style icon for her hordes of followers who regularly post TikToks of herself getting ready for McCaffreys' games in cool girl outfits.

So when her umbrella army fell and the world saw her first wedding dress, everyone had the same reaction:
that's it???!!!

This is surely a ploy. There is no way
THE Olivia Culpo will be wearing a long-sleeved, high-neck Dolce & Gabbana wedding dress. No, there had to be something else, and the public hasn't been allowed to take a look yet.

But actually, this dress
was chosen by Blame as her dream dress. And even though she had three dresses in total (yes, all equally kitschy or disappointing for different reasons), social media exploded. And Culpo and McCaffrey made things exponentially worse.

The Problem With Olivia Culpos' Wedding Dress

@gowneyedgirl From Miss Universe to Miss Pick Me, Olivia Culpo Deserves Her Crown (Photos from Vogue Weddings via Jose Villa) #bride#bridal#wedding dress#marriage#oliviaculpo#wedding dress#bridalstylist#vogue#voguewedding#tiktokdemariage#tiktokwedding#Dolce & Gabbana Chopin Nocturne No. 2 Piano Mono – moshimo sound design

Well, there's not just one issue at stake. The first is the dress itself: are we serious? Dolce & Gabbana is
not the luxury brand I would turn to for modern conservatism.

First of all,
Dolce & Gabbana isn't exactly controversy-free. If you want people to take you seriously, maybe don't choose the brand that Elton John called for cancellation in 2015 for making comments against homoparenting.

It’s the middle of summer. If I get married on the East Coast at the end of June, I’ll be wearing a strapless dress. You can bet your bottom dollar I’m showing a little bit of collarbone. Because it’s
hot and I don't want to be miserable.

But for Culpo, that was the whole point. And misfortune loves company, it seems. You see, Olivia Culpo defended the dress, saying she didn't want to exude sex in any way. She believes your wedding dress should be serious enough to match your commitment.

When I think about Christian and what he likes and the times he thinks I'm the most beautiful, it's absolutely in something like this: timeless, covered and elegant.

And isn't there something so
The Handmaid's Tale about wanting to be covered for your husband? I honestly thought we were past that stage of life. But hey, back to the 50s!

What's even more ironic is that for the reception, Culpo changes into (essentially) a jumpsuit with a mesh bubble wrapped around her waist. When stylist Kennedy Bingham virally reacted to Culpo's fashion choices on TikTok, Culpo got angry. And so did McCaffrey.

@voguemagazine *Add #OliviaCulpos mini wedding party to our moodboard.* Head over to to see all of her custom creations #Dolce & Gabbana original sound – Vogue

From Culpo: Wow, what an absolutely evil person you are. I hope no one ever tears you apart like that because it is extremely hurtful. I love this dress and it was everything I wanted and more.

From McCaffrey: What a bad thing to post online. I hope you can find joy and peace in the world, as my beautiful wife does.

I think the harm might be two public figures insulting a content creator for telling the truth about public opinion, but hey! Who am I to judge?
(I say seething with judgment.)

The drama continues

But Kennedy Bingham has apparently upset Culpo and her court. Not only does Culpo reprimand Bingham for her malicious actions, she adds that millions of people wear Dolce & Gabbana, and not only!

And while that may be a redeeming quality for Dolce in Culpo's eyes, Bingham was quick to point out otherwise:

They are not just designers to you, they are colleagues. I am not saying that YOU ARE something either. I am saying that your actions hint at a certain mindset that you do nothing to contradict.

And another great point is that Bingham showcases Culpo's emphasis on her natural makeup. Yes, she makes the brave move of forgoing mascara (but wearing a full pair of lashes) and ditches the lip liner (a dollop of filler will do the trick instead) for a more natural look.

I'm going to hold back my chuckle and roll my eyes. Yes, the former Miss Universe who is no stranger to Botox and injections wanted you to focus on
natural And listen, I'm not saying it's ugly or needs a makeover, but when you preach natural beauty and reality, preserve it.

If you want Botox, get Botox. If you want to wear a parka to your wedding in the middle of summer, do it. If you want to wear a full swimsuit to your wedding, do it. If you want to wear a bikini, wear a bikini.

don't do it selling false standards of beauty and insisting on saving your sexuality for your husband, then making it our problem when people disagree.




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