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Zooey Deschanel Stuns In A Blue Dress While Enjoying A High Tea Party


Zooey Deschanel wore a gorgeous blue and white summer dress.

Actress Zooey Deschanel took to Instagram on Saturday August 8 to share a stunning new photo of herself. The mother-of-two looked gorgeous in a summer dress as she posed for a photo amid afternoon tea.

Deschanel’s dress was blue with white flowers. The dress, which was purchased from clothing brand Reformation, had long sleeves and stretched to the thigh. The actress’ dark brown hair in curls, her famous bangs falling almost to her eyebrows. She looked intently at the camera, her bright blue eyes wide open. She put a hand on her head, her lips parted slightly.

She was seated in an elegant and luxurious room with golden walls. Deschanel was perched in a plush golden chair that matched the rest of the chic decor. The walls were decorated with an array of mirrors in various shapes and styles. In front of her was a table covered with a white tablecloth. On top of the table was everything one would need for a high tea time, including a kettle, a teacup, a saucer and a plate of lemon. All of these things were briefly ignored when the actress took a break for a photoshoot.

In his legend, Deschanel made a playful reference to the tea decor. The post garnered a lot of attention online, racking up over 345,000 likes in just a few hours. She is very popular on Instagram with 6.2 million subscribers. Her many fans took to the comments section to congratulate her on her gorgeous looks and to share how much they admired her unique sense of style.

“You are the most elegant woman in the world,” one person wrote.

“Jess from New girl is honestly my spirit animal, ”wrote another fan, referring to the character Deschanel is probably best known to play.

“I would like my tea next to you, you are just beautiful Zooey,” wrote one rather enthusiastic fan.

“I would never look so fabulous if I tried bangs. You can remove them like no other. You are really so beautiful !! Another person pointed out.

Deschanel played Professor Jess Day, always happy and enthusiastic New girl, a comedic sitcom. The show followed the life of a group of roommates. The sitcom first aired in 2011 and ended with its seventh season in 2018. She was accompanied on the show by other high-profile actors such as Jake Johnson, Max Greenfield, Lamorne Morris and Hannah Simone , as The Inquisitr Previously reported.

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