Blue blood is gearing up for a final farewell this fall on the 2024 broadcast schedule, and with only eight episodes left, it’s unclear how that might play out. While CBS has pushed back its premiere week to October, that gives fans a few extra months to theorize about what might possibly happen and how the Reagan family members will wrap up their stories. However, Donnie Wahlberg shared a video from his last day on set, and the dress blues for the Reagan family’s final dinner are eerie.
What you need to know about the series finale
As of now, there aren't many details about the final eight episodes and the finale, of course. Executive producer and writer Siobhan O'Connor shared a sweet message after the series ended and also released the finale call sheet that included a reference to the famous Reagan family dinners. There's not much to go on about the call sheet, but there was a hospital scene that was filmed, which could really be anything.
Finale details likely won't be revealed until much later. The finale is set to air in December, which means there are still several months and a world of possibilities to go. It also doesn't help that no matter what happens, everyone is going to be emotional and the closing messages are as sentimental as ever.
What the Dress Blues Might Mean
Donnie Wahlberg Instagram The video shows him wearing ceremonial attire, which is normally worn for a special occasion, such as to honor a fallen officer, someone receiving a medal, or, as in the series premiere, a graduation. Fans of Blue blood Be aware that every character has been close to death at least once, and there have been very few major deaths throughout the 14 seasons.
Check out Wahlberg's post below!
The most recent major death is probably that of Linda Reagan, played by Amy Carlson, who died off-screen between Season 7 and Season 8. But that doesn't mean another Reagan will definitely be visited by Death, because hosting a final Reagan family dinner without all the current Reagans would be tough.
It's entirely possible that someone gets a medal for something that happens in these final episodes. Maybe Frank Reagan, played by Tom Selleck, decides to quit his job as a police officer, and there was a ceremony, which could be another reason why the blue uniforms were worn.
The blues aren't always a bad thing, but since this is the final series of episodes, anything can happen. No Reagan is safe, unfortunately, even with potential Blue blood A spin-off is on the way. That doesn't mean anything will happen, but fans may have to prepare for the worst, just in case.
Either way, there's a lot to look forward to from the final episodes of Blue Bloods, which premieres Friday, October 18, at 10 p.m. ET. Paramount+ subscribers can now watch the entire series.
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