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Tuckernucks' Jackie Dress Makes a Splash at Capitol Hill

Tuckernucks' Jackie Dress Makes a Splash at Capitol Hill



Jackie appears at professional events, baby showers, cocktail parties, in family portraits, her braided neckline elegantly framing her face.

She's on Zoom meetings, she's on Capitol Hill, and she was at the Republican National Convention last week.

Wait for the late Democratic Party icon Jackie Kennedy Onassis at the RNC? And on Zoom?

Of course, we're not talking about Jackie the person. We're talking about Jackie the dress.

The Jackie is a short-sleeved polyester tweed A-line dress from Washington, D.C.-based womenswear label Tuckernuck that retails for $268. Named for Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, the dress comes in crayon red, crescent, pearl white, hot pink, palm green, and a score of other shades, and its combination of mod cut and tweed fabric recalls the former first lady's blend of youthful cool and traditional Chanel-inspired glamour. Four faux braided pockets, studded with gold buttons, sit at the hips. Tuckernuck also produced sleeveless and long-sleeved versions, the latter of which is slightly more expensive.

“We take inspiration from who inspires our customers,” September Votta, one of the brand’s three co-founders, said in a recent interview. “We always find Jackie Kennedy to be an inspiration to them. And we think a lot about the meaning of names when we’re designing products. So we wanted to create something that would work on a lot of body types and look good in a lot of colors.”

Since Tuckernuck launched the dress in summer 2022, the founders say they’ve sold nearly 100,000 Jackies. While Votta and Madeline Grayson, another co-founder, said their biggest markets are in New York and Texas, the dress has become a common sight on the streets of D.C., particularly on Capitol Hill. (D.C. is among Tuckernuck’s top 10 markets.) A Fox News anchor, First Ladies And members of Alpha Kappa Alphathe historically black sorority to which Vice President Harris belongs have all worn the Jackie. Amazon offers a counterfeit or a dupe, in the sunny jargon of bargain-driven, ethical consumers, to hell with it, for $48.99.

“It instantly makes you feel elegant and put together,” said Lauren Reddington, a communications specialist who blogged about the dress on her site, By Lauren Anne, and which offers the dress in pink and green. Before recently moving to California, Reddington worked for several years on Sen. Roy Blunt’s (R-Mo.) communications team. When I worked in the Senate, I was constantly on my feet, running from one event to the next. And this dress is perfect [for that]. So it's not really a surprise to me that this idea is being embraced so much by Washington and Capitol Hill.

At first I was hesitant about the price, but when I thought about it and looked at my work wardrobe, it really filled a void that was in my work closet, she said.

The Jackie seems particularly popular among those who work for Republican politicians. Last week in Milwaukee, there seemed to be a tacit agreement that the Jackie would be the official attire of the RNC. In most crowds, at least one could be seen. A heather gray Jackie danced to Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance at one of the lively after-hours parties in the warehouses. A cream Jackie lined up for banh mi at the concessions outside the exhibit hall. A half-dozen red Jackies (so many red Jackies!) dotted the convention floor, camouflaged against its red carpet.

Don't assume that all braided-collar dresses are authentic. They're from Amazon, said a woman in a fake Kelly green as she left the convention one night.

You always see it, Jackie, a lilac girl, said of the knockoffs from her barstool at the Trade Hotel on Thursday night. As she stood, it was clear that her dress fitted her particularly well, providing shape where few things seemed given, skimming her knees just right. You have to have these clothes hemmed and pinched, she said as she walked away.

TTuckernuck didn’t set out to create a statement dress. Founded in 2012 by Votta, Grayson, and Jocelyn Gailliot, Grayson’s older sister and also CEO, Tuckernuck began as an e-commerce business that sold the designs of contemporary brands like Saloni, Sea, and Loeffler Randall. “We just had this vision to take the boutique model and bring it online, because we’ve always been really passionate about discovery and telling the stories of the brands and products that we find through our friends,” said Grayson, who met Votta while they were both at the University of Pennsylvania.

In 2015, they raised money from family and friends, but they were quickly profitable and operating without outside investors, a rare reality in the fashion industry, where even small hipster brands are often funded by venture capital. (Grayson and Votta declined to disclose more specific financial information about the size of their company.) “We’ve been very careful about our designs and inventory and making sure we listen to the customer and don’t just create a bunch of stuff that doesn’t sell,” Grayson said.

The DC brand’s origins are also unusual: “It’s not a fashion town, of course, but people are very busy and they’re at a lot of events, and they want to look good,” Grayson said. “So I think we’re meeting that goal and solving that problem for what a lot of women in DC represent. There’s a lot of people in the country who aren’t in New York, where they have all this fashion at their fingertips.” They opened a boutique in Georgetown in 2017.

In 2018, Tuckernuck, named after a small island off Nantucket, launched his own private label, which has since become the majority of his business.

“We felt like there was a lack, especially in the beginning, of beautiful, quality dresses under $300,” Votta said. The founders said they ordered the dupe from Amazon to evaluate its quality and were disappointed. (“We have nothing to worry about,” Votta remembers thinking.)

Other Tuckernuck bestsellers include the $128 Callahan Flowy Shirtdress and the $298 Chloe Shirtdress. “We’re always thinking about things that you can wear during the day, but also in the evening, to work or to go out for drinks,” Votta said. By not selling through other retailers, Grayson and Votta said, they don’t have to mark up their designs like other brands do. “We’re always obsessed with quality beyond the value of an item,” Votta said. “We’re in the details of what we make,” Grayson added.

Votta said they expected the Jackie to be a hit, but they were blown away by the success when it sold out almost immediately after its launch. Partly, the timing gave it a boost: It looks great on Zoom, said Reddington, who works remotely.

“We joke that it’s the back-to-work dress,” Votta said. “You can feel really put together and put together, and you don’t have to think about your entire look. Rather than thinking about matching pants and a top or a necklace to elevate the dress, it’s a one-size-fits-all affair.” Grayson added that its versatility is also key: “It’s really amazing to see the variety of events it’s worn to, body types and how it’s styled.”

But is there something ironically Republican about the dress, whose origins are mythical to Democrats? A staffer for Rep. Stephanie Bice (R-Okla.) joked about X that GOP staffers' Prime Day carts would be stocked with a copy of Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vances' Hillbilly Elegy and a copy of Amazon's Jackie.

And while no one in the Trump family has worn the dress, multiple reports have said that Kennedy Onassis has been a style inspiration for Ivanka Trump and her mother-in-law, former first lady Melania Trump.

“It doesn’t feel political to me,” Reddington said. “The look is classic and timeless. I would say it’s political only in the sense that working in the Capitol itself is [political]. And because the dress references a significant moment in Washington style, she said, it underscores the historical nature of working in politics. It gives you a sense of all the moments in time that have come before you, Reddington added.

An emerald Jackie spotted in Midtown Manhattan in mid-July shrugged in bewilderment when asked if her dress had partisan connotations. Wait, wasn't Jackie Kennedy a Democrat?

Kara Voght contributed to this report.




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