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Which nation will be the best dressed? Our selection of the five best Olympic uniforms

Which nation will be the best dressed? Our selection of the five best Olympic uniforms


Sustainability, cultural significance and high fashion will be on display tomorrow at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics. Clark Train selects nations that possess all these qualities.

Fashion has many facets: it is practical, communicative, commercial and competitive.

Looking at Paris 2024 fashion, some countries have multiple uniforms for the opening and closing ceremonies, catwalks, media and sporting events. Some countries tell subtle or extravagant stories of their nation. The Parisian style of the host city inspires some.

Some countries are keen to use the latest technology to produce sustainable fabrics or recycled materials. Some countries have commissioned designers and brands to make their official uniforms.

What they have in common is that they represent their country and communicate their presence and national essence.

My top five uniforms for the opening and closing ceremonies were considered. Countries with well-known fashion brands are not favored; my selections are based on the designs’ history, meaning, and overall aesthetic. These top five evoke a creative expression of national pride that resonates with my goal and preferences for fashion and style.


The Haitian Opening Ceremony uniform, designed by Haitian-Italian designer Stella Jean, represents and showcases the beauty, strength and craftsmanship of Haiti.

It features the works of Haitian painter Philippe Dodard, on the women's trapeze skirt and on the men's pants and scarf. The other layers of blue and white blend perfectly with the work.

The women wear Haitian woven chambray shirts, representing Haiti's tradition of chambray production. The recycled fabric is the basis of the women's white short-sleeved blazer, which features the Haitian Olympic emblem.

The men's blue jacket is inspired by Haitian Guayabera shirts, both important to the designer and a common Haitian garment. This jacket features the Haitian Olympic emblem and under a blue striped shirt.

Team Mongolia outfits for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Image: Instagram @michelaamazonka


The uniforms for the opening and closing ceremonies in Mongolia were made by fashion brand Michel&Amazonka. Each uniform, which took an average of 20 hours to make, incorporates multiple cultural and Olympic themed motifs.

These intricate details include the emblem of Mongolia, the Soyombo; Parisian and Olympic motifs, such as the Olympic torch and rings; and mountain and cloud landscapes.

Four different outfits have been designed for the flag bearers and athletes, both male and female, at the opening and closing ceremonies. The flag bearers wear a traditionally inspired kaftan and a belt, while the athletes wear trousers and a skirt.

All four outfits sport embroidered vests, with the men wearing blue and the women white. The vest, in the foreground and center, announces the Go Mongolia team.

Canadian Olympic uniform. Image: Instagram @lululemon


The uniforms made by Lululemon in Canada were designed after consultation with 19 Olympic and Paralympic athletes in 14 different sports.

National pride was identified as a key priority and featured heavily in the uniforms. Other priorities were practicality, flexibility and comfort.

On the opening ceremony uniform, the brand custom-designed a print representing Canadian art, design and the environment.

The exquisite Closing ceremony uniform features First Nations (Saddle Cree Nation) artist Mason Mashons' print inspired by the Northern Lights.

Each uniform was designed for comfort, including a packable rain poncho, a bomber jacket with internal straps to serve as a makeshift backpack, and water-resistant shirts.

    Ireland's Olympic uniform, by LW Pearl. Image: Instagram,


The Irish Opening Ceremony outfits and Closing Ceremony jackets created by designer Laura Weber are loaded with symbolism and sustainability.

Based in New York, the designer created the uniform to make the athletes feel their best, be comfortable in the fabrics and celebrate their Irish culture.

The sustainable fabric, made from recycled T-shirts and PET bottles (ECO-Hybrid taffeta), wicks moisture away from the skin.

Choosing a predominant green, the aesthetic of the uniform is crisp white with delicate embroidery throughout.

Embroidery includes the Irish flag in the piping of the pants, hand-stitched shamrock pins on the jacket lapel, hand-tufted letters spelling out the word Ireland and custom, individual patches representing each athlete's county crest.

Designer Justin Chou with models presenting his creation for the Chinese Olympic team Taipei/Taiwan. Image: Instagram @justinxx_official

Chinese Taipei/Taiwan

Taiwan's ceremonial uniform, called Chinese Taipei by the International Olympic Committee, represents eco-friendly materials and cultural heritage. Designed by Just In XX founder Justin Chou, the stretchy, textured material represents Taiwan's oceans, cities and mountains.

Collaborations with artisan Yen Yu-Ying produced shoe uppers made of leather braided with banana silk. Lin Pei-ying handcrafted plum blossoms, Taiwan’s national flower, and rapeseed flowers to adorn the coat.

Abstract artist Lin Guo-Qing created the print for the T-shirt and scarf. Designed in the team's red, white and blue colours, the text repeated in a crosshatch pattern reads Chinese Taipei and, when reversed, Jiayou, an expression of encouragement.

Waiting for the ceremonies

These uniforms allow athletes to give their best, to be proud of their national outfits and to feel that they truly represent them.

All uniforms are captivating, whether they are simple, elegant, innovative, practical, unique or futuristic.

I am particularly drawn to the design processes and stories of the uniforms of these five countries. Transposing a country's design through sports fashion is a considerable challenge that these countries have successfully overcome.

Treena Clark is a Chancellor's Indigenous Scholar in the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building at the University of Technology Sydney.

This article is republished from The conversation under Creative Commons license.




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