SAWA Dallas 2024 Fashion Show Held at Meyerson with Over 100 Refreshed Looks
As the world was excited about the launch of the Met Gala designer dresses, Salvation Army Women's Auxiliary in Dallas' Fashion show and lunch proved that recycled fashions were successful products without all the hype.
The giant show, shopping marathon and luncheon at the Meyerson Symphony Center on Tuesday, May 7, didn't get off to a great start for some. Arriving in the lobby, there were a few scowling faces in the crowd.
It seems that the veterans of the Center, who always parked themselves, were sent into the bowels of the underground garage. Some simply gave up and headed for the quickest exit to hand their cars over to the valets. Others didn’t give up and kept going down, down, down. As one person admitted, “It was like a parking lot version of Dante’s Inferno.” A girl nearby, hearing this comment, joked, “Who’s Dante?”
While the parking wave separation was taking place on the street, the rehearsal in the McDermott Concert Hall began with Fashion Show Chair Shannon GrahamHonorary president Shell ThresholdsPresident of SAWA Candace Winslow, Margot Perot and Margot Perot, Community Service Award Winners Kathie King.
Meanwhile, while some went upstairs to discover the “Chic Boutique”, others in the lobby like Kathie's daughters, Joyce King Michael And Rachel King HuffShelle's husband, Dr. Michel Sills, Lisa Cooley, Katherine Wyker, Nelda Cain Pickens, Becky Bright, Haley Anderson, Carole Seay, Beth Thoele, Kimber Hartmann, Michael Powell, Debbie Raynor, Aileen Pratt, Pursue justice, Lisa Troutt, Leslie Merrick SAWA President 2024-2025 Laura Downing and Highland Park fashion experts Victoria Snée and 70 pounds lighter Reed Robertson socialized.
Taking the whole scene was Stacey Walker She’s taking notes. The reason? Stacey will chair the 2025 fundraiser. She admitted the event will be a challenge, saying, “There are so many tasks to complete.”
When a passerby heard Stacey's comments, she smiled and said, “Now you know why Shannon looks so relieved.”
As the sold-out crowd lined up to enter the concert hall, it was noticed that Gene Jones, Laura Bush, Annette Simmons, Nancy Half Kingdom, Lee Ann White, Peggy Sewell, Kelli Ford And Joan Levy had arrived at their place on the Orchestra Terrace to the right of the stage.
What surprised some guests was WFAA Therese Woodard welcoming the group. As she apologized for the scheduled presenter Cynthia IzaquirreNot being on the podium, Teresa shared a story about “Charlie,” which she wrote about years ago, and her support of the Salvation Army of North Texas’ Angel Tree over the years.
Although his remarks were brief, they were a perfect introduction to the day's program which included welcoming Shannon and thanking Shelle, commander of the Salvation Army's North Texas Command. Dawn McFarlandCandace salutes the Auxiliary for their support of the Army and shows a video about the Army followed by Candace welcoming Margot to the podium, who presented the award to Kathie.
Despite a slight irritation in her throat, Margot rose to the occasion in greeting Kathie.
Next up was Victoria and Reed, who shared their predictions for upcoming fashion trends.
Then it was the turn of the outfits and dresses donated and “readjusted” in some cases to be put on sale. While the parade of models lined the stage, two dancers performed to the song “Venus”.
With vignettes ranging from “Parent Trap” to “La Dolce Vita,” the presentation felt like it needed a touch-up. But who could say “No!” to looks from the past that look fabulous today?
For more looks from today's beautifully recycled fashion, check out the MySweetCharity photo gallery.
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