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A personalized lifestyle brand for men from Kolkata

A personalized lifestyle brand for men from Kolkata



Nearly fifty luminaries, business leaders, doctors and other professionals graced the exclusive launch of ‘Nayaab’, a new men’s range by Namrata Mitra, held at Spring Club, Kolkata on 12th July 2024. The invite-only event showcased customised men’s wear on the runway, with the designer herself explaining the intricacies of each ensemble, all custom-designed and crafted by her team of skilled artisans in Kolkata.

A seasoned educationist, co-chancellor of a leading technical college in Bengal, attended the event and expressed her admiration for this unique project. Nayaab is a new initiative focused on men’s style, where Mitra and his team work closely with clients to create customised ensembles.

A well-known entrepreneur in the city has shed light on the often overlooked sector of men's fashion, stressing the importance of their lifestyle. “Men's style is often overlooked, but the clothes and styles represent the person,” he said.

The event also featured fashion shows featuring several models, accompanied by a live musical performance. A renowned music director and film composer, who has previously used Nayaab's services, praised the quality of its fabrics.

Guests had the opportunity to explore a diverse range of other items on display, such as saris, home décor items and various accessories. All these items are handcrafted by tailors who enjoy the benefits of this socially responsible and environmentally friendly business.

To quote one of the international distributors, “Namrata’s work is much more than a piece of cloth. It is about her inspiring journey and how she brings communities together through a creative vision and redefines her role in Indian society as a social entrepreneur.”

Nayaab’s mission was evident from the moment it was launched. Speaking about his goals, Mitra said, “I want to provide a special service to my clients and also provide employment to the many people I work with.” The event celebrated this commitment and provided an opportunity for Kolkata’s artisans whose skills often go unrecognized.

By the end of the event, it was clear that Nayaab was poised to make a lasting impact on the fashion industry. The support from attendees and the wider community underscores the importance of recognizing the impoverished artisans behind these exquisite creations.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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