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The story of Catherine Deneuve’s sun dress in Donkey Skin



A princess hoping to escape an incestuous marriage to her father asks her to make three impossible dresses for her, and ends up being saved by the prince from the nearby castle Nothing is too strange for Donkey skin. Directed by Jacques Demy and marked by Michel legrand in 1970, the film plunges us into a universe mixing ethereal and surrealist. It is in this world that a now legendary costume emerges: the sun-colored dress. If the film frees itself from all logic and historical reference in the same vein as Disney princess films that bespoke creators have dived into different eras, ranging from Louis XV from dresses to vaporous Hollywood outfits. The goal? Create surreal costumes that defy the imagination. At the height of the film, the three dresses requested by the princess are works of art that are unlike any actual creation. Everyone must have seemed inconceivable, more wonderful than anything on the screen, to the point that the lilac fairy was playing by Delphine Seyrig believed that their creation was impossible. A real show, Donkey skinThe three legendary dresses demanded the totality of the artist Agostino Paceimagination of. Once the sketches have been drawn and approved by Jacques Demy, it was Gitt Magrini, the director’s costume designer Antonioni and Bertolucci, who was in charge of designing and creating the pieces in Italy. For Catherine Deneuve’s Princess character, the duo designed no less than 10 different costumes. Jacques DemyThe specifications were simple: to create dream outfits imbued with bright colors. Brocade, sequins, pearls, reflect these spectacular and voluminous dresses contributed to Donkey skinThe status of the jewel of French cinema.

A dream dress

A blue king and his guards with periwinkle skin, a red prince and his scarlet horses, a lilac fairy, a white wedding The chromatic universe of Jacques Demyof Donkey skin is rich in bold undertones. The incredible dresses demanded by the princess were impossible requests, with colors drawn straight from the imagination, untouchable in reality. While the weather color dress was created from movie screen fabric to project the clouds, and it was real donkey skin that Catherine Deneuve Worn over her shoulders, the sun-colored dress remains one of the film’s most striking creations. It is in this golden ceremonial dress that the princess bewitches the Red Prince, for whom she bakes the famous love cake. She also chooses to reveal herself to the other characters in a sun dress. All the dresses were created in 1970, but were poorly preserved, no trace exists today. The French Cinmathque therefore took care of recreating them for the The Enchanted World of Jacques Demy exhibition in 2013, under the direction of Agostino Pace himself. The workshop MBV created the clothes, replicating the legendary dresses with only the stills from the movie, the costume designer models, and Catherine Deneuvethe reference testimony. The actress also revealed that the dresses are as heavy as they are impressive. Pieces of fabric, embroidery and ornaments made Catherine DeneuveCostumes that are difficult to wear, especially in the labyrinth of Château de Chambord, the family theater of the Red King. To improve her comfort, the actress’ assistants followed her onto the set, sliding a stool under her petticoat between takes to allow her to sit down. Consisting of a push-up bra, puffed sleeves and a petticoat of an impressive size, the dress is wonderful and fascinating. The bust is adorned with stones and sequins, and a tangle of the most luxurious fabrics. Like a jewel, this ostentatious costume represents both the true royal identity of Donkey skin, but also his release from the clutches of his father.

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Translated by Ella Jones

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