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Urban Outfitters, Inc. (NASDAQ: URBN) Stock position raised by Franklin Resources Inc.


Franklin Resources Inc. increased its interest in the shares of Urban Outfitters, Inc. (NASDAQ: URBN) by 10.2% in the fourth quarter, according to its latest disclosure to the SEC. The institutional investor held 32,503 shares in the clothing retailer after purchasing an additional 3,000 shares during the period. Franklin Resources Inc.’s holdings in Urban Outfitters were $ 903,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period.

Other hedge funds also bought and sold shares of the company. Tower Research Capital LLC TRC increased its position in Urban Outfitters by 77.4% in the fourth quarter. Tower Research Capital LLC TRC now owns 979 shares of the clothing retailer valued at $ 27,000 after acquiring an additional 427 shares in the last quarter. Kistler Tiffany Companies LLC increased its position in Urban Outfitters by 34.5% in the fourth quarter. Kistler Tiffany Companies LLC now owns 1,558 shares in the clothing retailer valued at $ 43,000 after acquiring an additional 400 shares in the last quarter. Oppenheimer Asset Management Inc. increased its position in Urban Outfitters by 8.1% in the fourth quarter. Oppenheimer Asset Management Inc. now owns 5,694 shares of the clothing retailer valued at $ 158,000 after having acquired an additional 425 shares in the last quarter. The Tennessee State Department of Treasury purchased a new stake in Urban Outfitters in the fourth quarter worth approximately $ 160,000. Finally, Quantum Capital Management purchased a new interest in Urban Outfitters in the third quarter worth approximately $ 192,000. 78.62% of the stock is held by institutional investors.

The URBN has been the subject of several recent research reports. JPMorgan Chase & Co. lowered its target price on Urban Outfitters stocks from $ 28.00 to $ 25.00 and set a “neutral” rating for the company in a research report on Wednesday March 4. BMO Capital Markets lowered its target price on Urban Outfitters stocks from $ 26.00 to $ 22.00 and established a “market performance” rating for the company in a research report on Wednesday March 4. Telsey Advisory Group lowered its target price on Urban Outfitters stocks from $ 29.00 to $ 24.00 and set an “outperformance” rating for the company in a research report on Wednesday March 4. B. Riley reissued a “hold back” note and issued a target price of $ 23.00 on the shares of Urban Outfitters in a research report on Wednesday, March 4. Finally, Robert W. Baird lowered his target price on Urban Outfitters stocks from $ 29.00 to $ 28.00 and set a “neutral” rating for the company in a research report on Wednesday March 4. One analyst rated the stock with a sell rating, sixteen gave a conservation rating and seven gave the stock a buy rating. The title currently has an average “Hold” rating and a consensus target price of $ 25.95.

Actions of Urban Outfitters Stock open at $ 15.43 Friday. The business has a simple 50-day moving average of $ 23.14 and a simple 200-day moving average of $ 26.07. The company has a current ratio of 1.65, a quick ratio of 1.01 and a debt ratio of 0.78. Urban Outfitters, Inc. has a one-year minimum of $ 12.34 and a one-year maximum of $ 34.24. The stock has a market cap of $ 1.51 billion, a price / earnings ratio of 9.18, a PEG ratio of 0.69 and a beta of 0.73.

Urban Outfitters (NASDAQ: URBN) last published its quarterly results on Tuesday, March 3. The clothing retailer reported earnings per share of $ 0.50 for the quarter, missing Zacks’ consensus estimate of $ 0.63 per ($ 0.13). Urban Outfitters had a return on equity of 13.88% and a net margin of 4.22%. The company posted revenue of $ 1.17 billion in the quarter, compared to analysts’ estimates of $ 1.16 billion. In the same quarter of the previous year, the company posted earnings per share of $ 0.80. Urban Outfitters’ quarterly sales increased 3.6% compared to the same quarter last year. As a group, research analysts predict that Urban Outfitters, Inc. will post 1.91 earnings per share for the current year.

About Urban Outfitters

Urban Outfitters, Inc. engages in the retail and wholesale of general consumer products. The company operates in two segments, retail and wholesale. It operates stores in Urban Outfitters, which offer fashion clothing for women and men, sportswear, intimate clothing, shoes, accessories, household goods, electronics and beauty products for young people from 18 to 28 years old; and Anthropologie stores that supply casual women’s clothing, accessories, personal wear, shoes and home furnishings, as well as gifts, home decor, and beauty and wellness products for women aged 28 to 45.

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