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19-year-old man stabbed two men in the back as they passed through downtown Chelmsford


A 19-year-old boy was jailed for stabbing two men as they passed through downtown Chelmsford.

Harry Peirson, 19, of New Writtle Street, Chelmsford, was imprisoned for eight and a half years for the incident that occurred near the Odeon cinema.

Around 11:20 p.m. on August 8, 2019, Peirson stabbed the two men after an altercation near the bridge near the cinema.

One of the men was stabbed twice in the back, once in the elbow and once in the armpit. As a result, he suffered from a punctured lung.

The other man received a single wrist injury in the back.

During the attack, Peirson cut his hand before the two managed to escape.

Police were called that evening by thoughtful Odeon staff and the two victims were rushed to hospital.

Peirson left calmly with his accomplice, David OBrien, 20, of Baker Street, Chelmsford and Essex Police, who believed that the knife was then thrown into the water.

OBrien received six weeks for assault while beating at Chelmsford Crown Court on November 13, 2019.

The video surveillance revealed that Peirson and OBrien were involved in an altercation with one of the victims earlier in the day.

The police also discovered that after the stabbing, Peirson went home to change his clothes before leaving with new clothes.

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He was arrested at his home and OBrien was located after police posted video surveillance images to social media.

DC investigating officer Harriet Ware of Chelmsford CID said: Peirson and OBrien were seen on CCTV earlier today, stopping one of the victims on his bike.

The same man was again approached with his friend before they were both attacked.

One suffered multiple knife wounds, resulting in a punctured lung.

“He will have to have surgery to correct the damage to his elbow and can no longer move his fingers in one of his hands.

The other man must have received several stitches for his injury.

I want to thank the two men for their support in our investigation, I hope the Peirsons prison sentence is a form of justice for them.

“I would also like to thank the workers at Odéon that evening after acting quickly to help two men seriously injured with a knife.

Peirson was jailed on two counts of intentional injury in the Chelmsford Crown Court on Tuesday March 17.

A count of a knife holder will be on file and Peirson will serve his sentence in a young offender facility.

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