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Jordyn Woods Stuns in Off Shoulder Polka Dot Dress


Jordyn Woods’ latest Instagram download showcased the model posing spectacularly in a set of three images.

The 22-year-old model looked like a Hollywood starlet in her long white dress adorned with a pinch of black polka dots. Thin straps held the dress, although the two sleeves fell on her shoulders. She wore a long black scarf that she draped over her neck and back. She paired the set with white quilted kitten heeled sandals that showed off her fresh pedicure.

She wore dark cat-eye sunglasses with silver rims. A black bag sat next to her. She was holding a glass of champagne in one hand.

Her lips were painted a bold red hue, which only added to her look of old Hollywood glamor.

Her brown curly hair was topped with a bun. A few lost pieces hung from her bun.

She relaxed in a cabin with green palm trees in the background. The sky was bright blue.

In the first image, Jordyn lay down on the cabana bed, his leg slightly wedged. She faced the camera, even though her eyes were obscured behind the sunglasses.

In the background, Jordyn turned to the side, looking out of the camera. Viewers could take a look at a sparkling cerulean pool in the background.

The third photo was similar to the first, only her mouth was lowered in the corners and she seemed to frown.

Although she had a serious look on her face in all of the photos, she made sure to address her expression in the caption for the Instagram slideshow.

She told her 11.4 million followers that she was not angry; it was “just my face,” she wrote, adding a smiley face with several hearts around it.

Jordyn’s disciples gathered in the comments section and greeted her with praise. While some simply chose to comment with heart-eye and flame emoji, others chose to write longer messages to the star.

Many have written that her look makes her rich.

“Give rich aunt vibrations,” said one commentator.

“You look like peace, love and money,” wrote a second user, adding a heart-eye emoji string.

Another could not resist throwing shade at Jordyn’s old close friends, the Kardashian-Jenners.

“She said Kardashians who,” joked the fan.

Others couldn’t help but spurt out of his bright red lip.

“This lip color on you,” complimented a follower, giving the sign “OK”.

At the time of this writing, the Instagram set had over 337,000 likes and over 1,300 comments.

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