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Elton John and David Furnish take ceremonial wear to another level


Sir Elton John is no stranger to totally outdoor fashion. His presence on stage has long been defined by some of the most extravagant looks known to man, from red leather jumpsuits to feathered jackets, flared jumpsuits to this iconic glitter baseball outfit. The award-winning musician has style and courage, and, not surprisingly, her husband, filmmaker, David Furnish.

Over the past 25 years, John and Furnish have accomplished a lot together. After entering into a civil partnership in 2005, they were the first couple to convert to marriage the day it became legal in Britain in 2014. Furnish also sits on the board of the Elton Johns AIDS Foundation, which , raised in January alone, raised more than $ 6.4 million to help fight HIV and AIDS. Oh, and creatively, Furnish was also a co-producer alongside John for his biopic, Rocketman, Last year.

The past two and a half decades have also bought the pair many shared moments on the red carpet and over and over again they rocked the game when they arrived. The words black tie may seem simple enough (putting on a tuxedo and doing away with that, many think), but for John and Furnish, said dress code opens the door to a multitude of unexpected clothing opportunities.

Attached, six key moments, the couple took the formal dress to another level

1. When they received the floral memo

When: January 5, 2020

Points because: John and Furnish know how to kiss flowers (for spring or otherwise) the right way: with subtle finishing touches. Take their Golden Globes 2020 costumes, for example, which have both been touched up with elegant floral flowers. For Furnish, these were bright colors (he even released one or two butterflies), while for John, a single flower was subtly embossed in black.

2. When the contrast was in effect

When: February 9, 2020

Points because: The color at this level is not easy to remove for everyone, but seeing this result from John and Furnish, we feel up to the challenge. The key here was smart contrast; the crunchy cream against this plush purple does wonders. As for the rest of their outfits? Black pants to keep the attention on these blazers (but also allows to recognize the fact that John also goes in town on these sneakers. Of course).

3. When they broke simplicity

When: June 8, 2018

Points because: John and Furnish always make simple things fun. During London Fashion Week Mens in 2018, the pair donned classic single-breasted suits and formal leather shoes (Oxford for John, buckled for Furnish). The key to enhancing their look? Underlayers, including bright pink T-shirts and polka dot ties. Oh, and of course Johns’ iconic hues.

4. When they brought out a little romance

When: March 4, 2018

Points because: We love it when a couple shows up in the most romantic color combination of all: red and black. Elton John brought the old shade with his oxblood blazer with a shawl lapel (cry on these encrusted cuffs), while Furnish held the latter firmly with a plain pocket square and a pointed bow tie.

5. When they kept things totally classic

When: May 16, 2019

Points because: John and Furnish are not afraid to bring out the style of the big guns, but for the first Cannes film from Rocketman last year, they stayed true to classic couture: a black single-breasted tuxedo for the two, but in slightly different variations (a velvet blazer for Furnish, which looked super elegant, and lapels at widened visor for John, neatly finished with an emblazoned rocket).

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6. When they embraced their individuality

When: February 24, 2019

Points because: While we love semi-assorted couple outings (when they’re done right), there’s nothing better than seeing a duo come out in fully contrasting outfits. Example: John and Furnish, who swung toward the Vanity Fair Last year, Oscar Party wore, well, two parties. Johns came in the form of a sequined Gucci blazer (finished with his initials on the cuffs, we might add), while David opted for an abstract finish to his black suit. Two totally different styles with shared confidence, that’s all.

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