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NORTH BLOTTER: Drunk man relieves himself of police car bumper – News – The Palm Beach Post


Palm Beach Gardens Police

Theft: a man tried to buy several items of clothing from a store in block 3100 on boulevard PGA. Although he had several credit cards, they were all refused. In order not to be arrested, the man took one of the objects and hid it in his jacket before leaving. He was quickly arrested by the store’s loss prevention associate and escorted inside. When the police arrived, the man was arrested for retail theft. The item was worth almost $ 100.

>> Palm Beach County Palm Blotter: Find Out Who Was Arrested

DUI: Over the speed limit of more than 20 mph and not keeping his lane, a driver was stopped near the intersection of alternative A1A and Atlantic road. The man was extremely talkative, jumped from subject to subject and quick in his movements. When told to settle down and not to speak, the man became very agitated. Invited to participate in a roadside sobriety test, he became irritated and argumentative, but finally obeyed. The man misread the test and was placed under arrest on a DUI charge. A search of his person revealed a small metal container filled with crack. In addition to the crack, several crack pipes were located inside the vehicle. He was also arrested for possession of drugs and possession of drug accessories.

DUI / Resist violent arrest: a vehicle was stopped near the intersection of boulevard PGA and avenue Fairchild for having made an illegal turn. Speaking to the officer, the driver admitted to making the illegal turn because he did not want to wait for the light. Noticing the man’s watery eyes, reddened face and hazy speech, the man asked if he had been drinking. The man said he had a “pitcher and a half of beer” and then added, “I was drinking responsibly at a bar.” Although the man was repeatedly asked to exit the vehicle, each request was denied. Finally, he was warned that if he did not comply, he would be sprayed with pepper. He refused and was sprayed in the eyes. He was then physically removed. He was later found in possession of a vape pen filled with cannabis oil. Later, he also refused to give a blood sample to test his level of impairment and said to an officer, “I would taser you in (expletive) if I could.” He went a little further when he said to the officer “take off my handcuffs so that I can beat you (expletive)”. For the grand finale of his statements, he said, “If you don’t let me pass my call, I will (explain) to you.” He was arrested on charges of DUI, drug possession and resistance to violence by an officer.

Jupiter Police

Indecent exposure: after entering a business in block 6700 of West Indiantown Road, a man undressed and began to disturb. The clerk, fearing for his own safety, gave the almost naked man a candy and asked him to leave. He left, but was not far from there, standing in a parking lot. At this point, the man had decided to go natural and was completely naked. While the responding officer waited for reinforcement, the man put on his clothes. Seeming to be under the influence of drugs, the man informed the police that he was itchy. Trying to check his real health, the doctors tried to check his vital signs. The man, however, was afraid of being shocked, started to panic and scream, and had to be handcuffed to a stretcher. Despite the constraints, the man managed to put his pants and underwear on his knees. After receiving several doses of a sedative, the man was eventually arrested and charged with indecent exposure.

>> Crime in Palm Beach County: Latest news, blotter booking, more

Indecent exposure: causing disruption in a parking lot at block 6300 of West Indiantown Road, an extremely drunk man was asked to sit down before falling. While waiting for his trip, the man informed the officer that he had to pee and pointed to the ground. He was informed that he could not use the area as a toilet and had to wait. Despite the clear instructions, the man walked to the officer’s car, dropped his pants, and began urinating on the front bumper. He was arrested under indecent assault and then taken to the county jail.

North Palm Beach Police

Resist the officer with violence: “If you get closer, I will (explode)!” a drunk man told police, who was called to a residence on Prosperity Farms Road. After explaining to the enraged man that they had been called because of his level of intoxication and aggressiveness, he stood up and walked over to the officers, saying, “I will (explode) you hurt.” After a brief scuffle, the man was handcuffed, but managed to shout “you (cops) cops” six times. He was arrested and transported to the county jail.

Theft: light shopping, a man and a woman picked up several items from a store in block 200 in the United States 1. The pair then placed the items in a bag they had brought with them and left without paying. . Given a description of the duo by store employees, the police spotted them outside and arrested them. When the man saw that the police noticed that the stolen energy drink was now coming out of his pocket, he spontaneously said, “I took this.” He then produced the canned drink and a stick of deodorant. Following the man’s example, the woman took a container of eyeliner from her belt and said “I took this” while showing the product to the police. They were both arrested for retail theft and released with a notice of appearance.

Martin County Sheriff’s Office

Drugs: In a traffic stop on a vehicle on the Southwest Kanner Highway in Stuart, MPs found a 32-year-old woman in possession of 10 ecstasy capsules, marijuana and mushrooms. She also had a tray of brownies, which she said had baked mushrooms. She was arrested and taken to the county jail.

DUI: A motorist driving approximately 80 mph in a 35 mph area was arrested in the Southwest Primrose Way area of ​​Stuart. The 22-year-old had bloodshot eyes, slurred speech and a smell of alcoholic beverage. In his vehicle, members observed a pot of saucepan and two open cans of alcoholic beverages. After failing the field sobriety tests, the man was arrested and taken to the county jail.

Saint Lucia County Sheriff’s Office

Strolling and prowling: MPs went to block 4000 in the north of the United States 1 at Fort Pierce to investigate a man strolling in the region. He twice gave the members the wrong name and refused to give his date of birth. When they tried to place him in police custody, he became limp and started to scream. When he was finally placed in the patrol vehicle, he was taken to the local hospital for clearance, then to the county jail. He was identified by his fingerprints and his DNA.

Concealed weapon: 20-year-old passenger arrested after high-speed vehicle on Interstate 95 in Port St. Lucie was arrested after MP found Glock handgun hidden in her handbag. The woman, who was not allowed to carry a concealed weapon, was arrested and taken into the county hail.

Drugs: A Member of Parliament stopped a vehicle with an off headlight at the intersection of D Avenue and North 13th Street at 3:40 am The 55-year-old driver gave his authorization for a search of the vehicle. When the MP discovered crack, cocaine and drug accessories, the man said the items must have been left by a woman who had recently been in his vehicle. He told the member that he paid him $ 30 for providing him with sexual services. The man was arrested and taken to the county jail.

Port St. Lucie Police

Armed robbery: Police went to a local hospital to interview a teenager who was shot in the buttocks. The teenager said that he and his friends were approached by two strangers who demanded their valuables in block 600 of Dar Lane. The police later learned that the victim and his friends had gone to the scene to buy drugs. The two masked suspects left the scene in a green Nissan Altima.

Shots fired: A man in block 5500 on Northwest Cruzan Avenue told police that he heard gunshots at approximately 1:30 a.m. Later that day, when he went out to get his mail, he noticed shell envelopes on the road. Police found additional shell casings, as well as a bullet hole that had struck the man’s bathroom window.

Fort Pierce Police

Drugs: An officer spotted a man sitting in a park in North 13th Street and Avenue D, with what appeared to be a bottle of alcohol next to him. He spoke to the man, observing that the man was in possession of bottles of vodka and soda, as well as a cup and straw. The man admitted that he had been drinking alcohol. The officer asked if he could search another bag in his possession; the man consented. He said the bag contained fish and Tater Tots for a barbecue later today. The bag also contained a crack pipe, which led the man to claim that the bag belonged to his cousin. The police then searched the man and found bags of jar and cocaine. The man was arrested and taken to the county jail.

Drugs: During a traffic stop in block 1100 of North 27th Street on a vehicle with an unusable traffic light, the driver refused to allow the police to search his vehicle. He told detectives that he saw television shows in which the police hid evidence inside people’s vehicles. A K-9 unit arrived and the dog alerted for narcotics. A search of the vehicle revealed a white powdery substance which, according to the driver, was ground aspirin. It has been tested and found to be cocaine. The driver was arrested and taken to the county jail.

Drugs: An officer on patrol in the area of ​​Avenue I and North 13th Street, just before 1 a.m., spotted a man on a bicycle that was not lit. When the cyclist saw the patrol vehicle, he stopped his bike, put his hand in his jacket pocket and removed something. He threw the object on a wall. The officer retrieved the item, which was crack containing crack. The man said it was not his. He was arrested and taken to the county jail.

Affray: Four people were arrested after a fight broke out in a laundromat in block 1600 of Orange Avenue. Two women were the main fighters, two men also started a fight. The four were taken to the county jail.

Compiled by Eddie Ritz and Sy O’Neill from regional law enforcement files.

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