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Ashley Roberts surprises in a quirky cow print dress – and it’s only 17.50


Nichola Murphy

We always like to see Ashley Robertsheld on Heart Radio, but her gorgeous dress on Tuesday morning was particularly memorable. In addition to the radio presenter, people like Amanda Holden and Lorraine Kelly fans regularly delight with their animal motifs, from dresses with jazzy snake print to outfits with colorful tiger print. But we didn’t realize how much we needed cow footprints until Ashley came out in this Nasty Gal dress.


Ashley Roberts layered her cow print dress over a matching shirt

Smiling for the cameras as she left the studios in London, the 38-year-old woman looked amazing in a white satin midi dress covered in small black spots, and is currently on sale for just £ 17.50. If you’re looking for a layering lesson as we head into warmer summer months, we turn to Ashley for inspiration – instead of the traditional big knit, she added a shirt in the same cow print for give the illusion of a shirt dress. Although the striped midi is only available in certain sizes, you can still buy the cream and brown version, as well as the white shirt for £ 15, down from its original retail price of £ 30. With the store currently offering 50% off everything, we expect the two items to sell very quickly.

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Cow print midi dress, instead of £ 35 now £ 17.50, Nasty Gal


To complete her look, Ashley accessorized with black heels and sunglasses and styled her hair in a low bun, simply adding a splash of color to her monochrome ensemble with coral lipstick.


Cow print shirt, was £ 30 now £ 15, Nasty Gal


The Pussycat Dolls singer is a big fan of bargains and even turned to Nasty Gal again earlier in March for a pair of £ 24 tiger-print boots. She also counts Topshop, Marks & Spencer and Warehouse among her favorite brands – and we would be lying if we said that her flared jeans inspired by Topshop’s 90s are not yet at the top of our shopping list. Fortunately we have plenty of time to shop online …

MORE: Christine Lampard’s Rainbow Flower Dress Is So Flattering

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