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Lori Vallow used her husband’s credit card to purchase a wedding ring and other items on Amazon | Missing Idaho Kids


PHOENIX (3TV / CBS 5) –Internet search history shows that less than three months after JJ and Tylee were last seen, their mother, Lori Vallow, used her deceased husband’s credit card and Amazon account to purchase a ring. wedding and other items.


Lori Vallow’s ex-husband’s sister came across the story of Lori’s browser and found some strange searches.

Lori’s ex-husband Charles Vallow was shot dead by his brother Alex Cox in Chandler in July. Cox claimed self defense. Charles’ sister Kay Woodcock inherited a printer from Charles which she tried to connect to her computer in November.

“I don’t know how my connection to her printer is related to this, but somehow she connected, I don’t know,” said Kay. “After digging around for a while, I saw that things were being ordered from Amazon and I thought,” Well, it’s not good “because you know, he’s dead.”

All items have been shipped to Lori’s new apartment in Rexburg.

At this point, on November 8, Kay and her husband Larry were already struggling to grab J.J. and Tylee. At that time, they asked for a child welfare check, which was done later in the month.

What Kay found in Charles’ email opened a box of worms in the case.

“It was very interesting, to say the least, and I feel like it was the pivot point that broke everything and was tied up,” said Larry.

Kay discovered that Lori purchased a $ 35 malachite gemstone ring on October 2. The browser’s history also showed that she was looking for a “beach wedding dress” and white pants and a shirt for her future husband, Chad Daybell.

missing children

J.J. and Tylee have been missing since September.

“At the time, I was like, ‘Wait a minute, whoa! They are getting married! “They were looking at very large men’s clothes. Charles? It wasn’t for him. It was men, men’s tennis shoes, things for her, a new yellow swimsuit for her, swimsuits. men’s bath, very large, all of that was there for me to look at, “said Kay.

Chad’s wife Tammy died in her sleep on October 19. His body has since been exhumed and his death is currently under investigation.

Lori and Chad flew to Hawaii to get married on November 5, just a few days before Kay made the discovery.

Children’s items inside storage unit rented by mother of missing children in Idaho, report says

Buying items from Amazon was not the only thing that happened on October 2. It is the same day that Lori and Chad are seen in a storage unit in Rexburg. It is also the day that Brandon Boudreaux claims that he was shot. He thinks Lori’s brother Cox was behind the trigger. Boudreaux is the ex-husband of Lori’s niece, Melani. Cox died in December and his death is under investigation.

Kay said she also found searches for airline tickets and swimwear. Lori and Chad moved to Kauai while Rexburg police were serving search warrants for J.J. and Tylee. The newlyweds lived on the island until Lori’s arrest on February 20.

Lori was arrested Thursday on Kauai Island on a $ 5 million warrant from Rexburg, Idaho, police said. It was after Lori “failed to comply with a court order to produce her children before the authorities on January 30.”

“She’s not a techie at all, so I’m never sure she ever thought she was leaving a trail behind her,” said Kay. “It was on Charles ‘card. It was on Charles’ email, everything went in his email with Charles Vallow’s name everywhere and it was pretty annoying to me.”

Kay said the last thing purchased for J.J. from this Amazon account was in July.

“One of the things I’m looking at is not a wanted item has nothing to do with Tylee or J.J.,” said Larry.

Kay and Larry surrendered their find to law enforcement in November, hoping it will facilitate the investigation in any way. Tylee was last seen in Yellowstone National Park on September 8. J.J. was last seen on September 23. “Where – where are J.J. and Tylee? Where are the kids? We have to find these two kids, really.”

Lori is in Madison County Jail in Idaho on a $ 1 million bond. She faces five charges, including two counts of desertion of a child.

Lori’s lawyer Mark Means on Tuesday filed a request for a bond reduction hearing, saying “new facts have emerged.” However, court documents did not specify what these new facts consisted of.

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