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Dollar General in Reidsville becomes sixth robbery in supposedly connected area | criminality


Rockingham County, N.C., sheriff’s office said Wednesday that the robbery of the general dollar in Reidsville on Friday appeared to be linked to the chain of thefts that took place in the area.

Investigators are looking for leads on the theft, which occurred at 10:29 p.m. at the store at 3414 US 158. It was when a man wearing a camouflage jacket and two men wearing dark clothing with their faces covered and wearing gloves forced two employees under gun threat to withdraw money from two safes. The thieves also stole an unknown quantity of cigarettes.

This same dollar general was robbed at 3:01 a.m. Wednesday when two men threw a brick through the front glass door and stole an undisclosed amount of cigarettes. Both wore masks and gloves, but investigators said they didn’t think they were the same men in the chain of robbery.

While viewing the images, the clothes do not appear to be the same as those on the first flight and they are not believed to be connected yet, said a statement from the Rockingham Sheriffs Office.

Monday evening, two men stole an undisclosed amount of money from the Stanleytown Food Lion, the third similar flight to Martinsville and Henry County this month and the sixth to Martinsville, Danville and Henry County and Rockingham, Alamance and Guilford in North Carolina. .

At this point, we are confident to say that thefts [in Martinsville and Henry County] are connected, said HSCO Captain Wayne Davis.

Davis said his department worked with the Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office and the Danville Police Service.

On March 4, the neighborhood market at 707 Memorial Blvd. N. in Martinsville was robbed and the next day the Dollar General Market at 2426 Virginia Ave. in Collinsville was stolen. Another robbery took place at the Family Dollar store at 8293 NC 87 in Wentworth, North Carolina, on March 18, around 10:20 p.m. and then at 11:30 a.m. the same evening, two men attempted to rob the Food Lion at 607 W. Main Rue in Danville, just after it closed. But an alarm went off and the men fled.

In all cases, no one was injured during the commission of the crimes.

Security camera images show that the two thieves are wearing similar clothing on all flights.

Anyone with information about these flights is asked to call the HCSO at 276-638-8751 or Crimestoppers at 63-CRIME (632-7463). The Crimestoppers program offers rewards of up to $ 2,500 for information related to crime. The nature of the crime and the substance of the information determine the amount of the reward paid.

Bill Wyatt is a reporter for the Martinsville Bulletin. He can be reached at 276-638-8801, extension 236. Follow him @billdwyatt

Bill Wyatt is a reporter for the Martinsville Bulletin. He can be reached at 276-638-8801, extension 236. Follow him @billdwyatt

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