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2019-20 Duke Men’s Basketball Player Review: Javin DeLaurier


Javin DeLaurier

Breakdown of the season: Despite slight drops in points, rebounds and minutes, DeLaurier made an imprint at both ends of the floor in his last campaign with the Blue Devils. Offensively, DeLauriers’ prowess as checker and rebounder helped the Blue Devils create open looks and second chance opportunities, respectively. At the other end of the track, the Shipman, Virginia senior proved to be an effective communicator and an improved free throw shooter, with a rate of 66.7% significantly higher than last season. While still too often in quick foul problems, DeLaurier was always ready to fight for a loose ball and offered consistent leadership to the young Duke team.

From the start of the season, it was clear that DeLauriers’ role in the rotation would be to spell Vernon Carey Jr., as head coach Mike Krzyzewski rarely experienced alignments featuring the two players on the field. Despite this, the co-captain had multiple impressive performances, mainly a 10-point display and six rebounds on perfect efficiency compared to the time. 11 State of Michigan. DeLaurier also sank free throws at the end of the victory against the then number. 8 Florida State, testimony to its marked improvement over the line. Overall, DeLauriers improved his efficiency, understanding of his role and consistent leadership have helped Duke win 25 for the 13th consecutive season.

Results compared to expectations: Sure, DeLaurier has frustrated Duke fans with his tendency to pick up silly fouls and lose his balance in the lane, but he has achieved performances relatively equal to expectations of media consensus and Duke followers. Her overall contributions cannot be measured by simply glancing at a raw score, as her communication skills, her excitement and her clear willingness to guide Carey have all proven to be invaluable. In light of the co-captains’ final season ending abruptly, his performance from last year should be seen as successfully fulfilling the role that Krzyzewski needed him to, especially when you consider how the list was built.

Stay tuned to the blue zone for our ongoing player reviews. Previous players previewed include Alex OConnell, Joey baker and Jack white.

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