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Local business, fashion designer and teacher join forces to make masks for coronavirus hospital workers


While hospitals are struggling to cope with supplies while treating coronavirus patients, a manufacturer of linen in Fall River, a fashion designer Waltham and a professor of biology at North Andover High School devote their own resources to create masks for workers who need them most.

In Fall River, luxury linen maker Matouk has put its workers to work to make cotton masks with the excess supplies they have stocked since the retail stores closed.

Cotton sheets are often used to make homemade masks, and as a bed linen company, we have tons of them, said CEO George Matouk Jr. so we were able to convert a lot of our materials in good quality sanitary masks that many institutions need. right now because they desperately need anything.

Despite the drying up of their usual sources of income, Matouk has kept his employees busy while they make the masks, he said. Their first batch of masks produced 2,000 masks.

We want to put people to work, said Matouk. Were willing to pay people to make these masks, even if they were just giving them away.

From the factory in the Philippines to the factory in Fall River, workers make masks and sheets ready for distribution on the East Coast. Their first shipment of masks went to a children’s hospital in Washington, D.C., and orders for bed linen for hospitals in Rhode Island and Massachusetts are currently being processed.

At Waltham, fashion designer David Josef created masks during his downtime using basic materials and his sewing machine, he published a 10 minutes video on Youtube detailing how to assemble washable masks.

Since we all stay at home, donate money or do everything we can, I try to do my part by putting together the masks that the ER and hospitals and nursing homes and everyone needs right now, said Josef in the video.

Using instructions he found online, Josef guided the public through the process of making the mask, from measuring the dimensions of the cotton to sewing the pieces, including ironing the pleats on the finished product.

Bing bang boom, that’s it. That’s all you need to create a mask, he said after cutting two small pieces of pre-shrunk, unbleached white cotton muslin that would form the basis of the mask.

Bennett Ahearn, professor of biology at North Andover High School, also found instructions for creating masks online. But instead of using a sewing machine, he uses his personal 3D printers to help during the pandemic.

With four printers, Ahearn is able to make 16 masks each day, he said in a tweet.

So 16 of those bad Larrys every day to responders, or whoever wants / needs them, he said in a tweet. Use my 3D printers for convenience for once. It has been heard that many nurses are in desperate need of adequate PPE. Plan to give them to anyone who needs them.

When users asked him on Twitter how much he charged for masks, he replied that all masks were free. Just give it an address and send it wherever you want.

I got all the weather strippers to seal them, along with the highest filter paper stuff I could get, said Ahearn in a video. And yes, I think it will be useful.

Matt Berg can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @ mattberg33.

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