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H&M launches Instagram AR filters for Kangol fashion rollout


In short:

  • Fast fashion retailer H&M introduced six Augmented Reality (AR) filters to Instagram as part of its promotion for a collection inspired by 1990s streetwear. British singer Mabel and several collaborators appear in Instagram Stories music video titled “Bad Behavior” previewing the collection of 31 pieces it inspired, the retailer ad.
  • AR filters allow Instagram users to create their own versions of the music video to share with their friends and followers, and can be found on the @hm channel in the app. The Kangol x H&M feat Mabel Collection goes on sale September 17 in select H&M stores and online.
  • Kangol is a British clothing brand established in the 1920s, and its signature bucket hats with a kangaroo logo were popular among hip-hop artists of the 80s and 90s, giving the countryside a nostalgic touch. H&M worked with creative agency B-Reel on the campaign to allow Instagram users to create their own music videos with AR filters.


H&M aims to connect with a target audience of Gen Z consumers by focusing its promotion of the Kangol collection on Instagram. By creating a set of AR filters attached to a video clip featuring Mabel, the retailer is urging people to engage with its brand by creating their own videos to share with others. While the campaign does not include a hashtag challenge, it has the power to reach a larger group of consumers as people create personalized music videos and post them online, a social media trend popularized by TikTok. .

Instagram is especially popular with Gen Z, the group born after 1996 who tend to be heavy users of social media. About three-quarters of people aged 13 to 26 in the United States use Instagram, by a Morning Consult study, although it is less clear how many people in other countries are using the app. Parent company Facebook hasn’t provided information on Instagram’s user base for over a year, when it said the app had 1 billion users worldwide. This number has probably increased as more and more people use social media stay in touch with friends and family during the pandemic.

AR content is popular on competing platforms like Snapchat, which may indicate filters are popular on Instagram as well. Snap claims that over 75% of users use Snapchat’s AR features every day on average,according to information provided by the company. If Instagram experiences similar usage, H&M is likely to engage with its Gen Z target audience who enjoy playing with AR content.

For a fashion retailer like H&M, Instagram is a staple of any campaign aimed at young consumers. Gen Z shoppers tend to look for outfits they can share on Instagram, which has made fast fashion retailers like H&M, Forever 21 and Zara who are quickly updating their stocks more popular with younger consumers for several years. About three quarters (74%) of young consumers buy fashion products based on what they see influencers wearing on social media,according to a survey by market researcher Cassandra. By collaborating with singer Mabel, H&M can connect with their fans and entice them to purchase items from the collection.

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