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Space Force will soon let some members test their attire and PT uniforms


The US Space Force is starting to take shape and will soon allow a group of servicemen to try on a possible future service uniform, as well as physical training gear, its senior enlisted adviser said Tuesday.

Through a rotation process, “60 people will try on duty clothes and 60 people will try on PT gear, indefinitely,” the Chief Master Sgt. Roger Towberman said in a Town Hall speech at the 2020 Air, Space and Cyber ​​virtual conference. “We will use a different group each time [because] we want as many people as possible to be involved in our future. “

Read more: The Air Force has already flown a secret plane that could be its next fighter

Uniforms are on the long list of Space Force details yet to be determined. Others include service-specific insignia and a rank structure, as well as how to call its members – although transferees are still referred to as Airmen as long as legislation is pending.

So far, the Space Force has released a service seal, logo, flag, and utility uniform name strip for the service operational camouflage uniform. Towberman acknowledged that pending decisions like uniforms are at the forefront of soldiers’ minds because they speak of the identity of the service.

The White House played a role in some of these early decisions, for example offering its opinion on the creation of the official seal. In July, Time magazine reported that President Donald Trump had also suggested that the First Lady “should help design Space Force uniforms due to her impeccable fashion sense.”

Reiterating the comments he made to Air Force Magazine, Towberman has announced that the Space Force intends to abandon promotion testing for enlisted members.

“We’re going to get rid of the promotion tests; we’re going to go to the boards,” he said on Tuesday, referring to the selection process. “We’re excited to see how this is developing.”

More information will be provided to airmen soon, he added.

Last year, the Air Force dropped one of its standard promotion test phases for Master Sergeant, Master Master Sergeant and Chief Master Sgt – the promotion system of the ‘Weighted Aviator, or WAPS. The new system focuses on merit, not necessarily test scores, in the process of promoting senior noncommissioned officers, officials said at the time.

Towberman said the Space Force has the opportunity to shape its own criteria for success.

“I want people who can think critically. I want people who can reason. I want people who, when they have access to all the information in the world, can bring it together in a useful way,” he said. -he declares. “Just memorizing stuff and spitting out a multiple choice test isn’t where we want to go.”

– Oriana Pawlyk can be contacted at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter at @ Oriana0214.

Related: The first members of the Space Force have just been deployed to the Middle East

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