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Texas man models 2020 quarantine fashion in hilarious Twitter post


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This fly does not let the coronavirus lock suffocate its style.

Elias Aragaw Goes Crazy After Texas Officials announced strict on-site shelter guidelines for residents of Dallas County. Bored by lazing around on “binge-watch shows”, the 31-year-old woman decided to organize a fashion show with quarantine-inspired outfits.


Aragaw posted the video – which goes viral with more than 40,000 views since Friday morning – on its Twitter account @TheFunkIsReal Monday with the caption: “Quarantine showcase for my outfits, I will rock at home for the 2020 lock”.

The funny sequence shows Aragaw modeling a variety of casual and athletic clothing sets – accessorized with eye-catching surgical gloves, “So it doesn’t bring” Rona home, of course.

“Welcome to the quarantine track show; watch it watch it ready to spend days in the house with this beautiful traditional Ethiopian dress, “said Aragaw impassive in the narration of the voiceover. “Open it!” White t-shirt and shorts, very casual look in case the AC blows. Little tower and a flare and it goes away – yes! “


He also sports the impromptu runway in a “Snuggie Netflix-and-chill,” a portable blanket sporting the Dallas Cowboys logo that he boldly styled on neon shorts.

But make no mistake – this burgeoning online star is not shedding light on the coronavirus pandemic.

“In the midst of difficult times, there is creativity, so even if we are all in quarantine, be safe and find your peace and what makes you happy through it all,” Aragaw told The Post. “I often create content, so I’m glad it can help people find joy and laughter given the gravity of what’s going on.”


Dallas County judge Clay Jenkins said on Sunday that he would apply the strictest limits in Texas on “social gatherings, work and movement.” He announced the same day the number of positive cases of coronavirus in the county. exceeded 100 and the death toll rose to three.

“This order is our best chance to smooth the curve here in Dallas County and save as many lives as possible,” Jenkins tells the Dallas Morning News. “It makes me sick that we are at this point.”

Residents who break the order will be subject to fines or prison terms.


Perhaps that’s why dozens of social media sites are taking advantage of the lightness offered by Aragaw’s ironic parade.

“Crying to laugh for real!” Twitter user Selam Aberra Woldesadik posted Tuesday. “I really needed it today!” “

This article was originally published in the New York Post.

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