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22 men’s clothes that make you look skinny 2020 | The strategist


Photo: courtesy of FOX

I love and look forward to the warmer weather than anyone else. But before the gyms even locked their doors and we were told to stay home surrounded by stored food, as a guy who wears about 20 pounds more than the blanket, I was starting to worry about what to wear now that time was no longer calling for layers upon layers. In discussing my dilemma with a prep mecca J. Press employee (presocial distancing), he told me one thing I should invest in is a bag jacket, a traditional men’s blazer cut for heavier men, with more flexibility at the waist and shoulders to prevent the wearer from feeling like a sausage in an envelope. His immediate response made me wonder if there are other slimming clothes that guys like me can seem to feel better about.

The answer, according to the five cool people I spoke to, who include stylists and owners of men’s clothing stores, is yes, there are other garments that are better suited for hiding extra pounds. Read on for the buttons, polo shirts, t-shirts, shorts and pants they basically recommend for hugs, anyone who’s climbed a few notches on their belt since the purchase, including a few of my own favorite flattering items. , as well. And a buying tip shared by everyone I’ve spoken to: when choosing a size, choose the one that Actually adapts. Like George Brescia, a stylist and the author of Change your clothes, change your life, he says, when we wear clothes that are too big and too big, the wearer becomes as big as the article. Speaking of sizes, all the clothes on this list go up to an XL size, many offering more sizes (we have noted those with a wider range).

Our five cool people told us about the importance of creating vertical lines along your body, because they lengthen your look, making you look taller and leaner, says Donell baldwin, a former style director for Mr. Porter. The best garment for creating long vertical lines, they say, is a button-down shirt because, as Brescia notes, the descending buttons create the line, while the collar helps create a flattering shape. Necklaces frame your neck and bring certain angles to your look, adds Peter nguyen, personal stylist. Two of our cool guys told us about this specific Bonobos button (which goes up to an XXL) as a flattering style, not only for its buttons, but also for its vertical stripes. The vertical stripes on an article are your friend, also says Baldwin. In addition, they are timeless.

An even more affordable option with vertical stripes is this blue and white Gap button that goes up to a XXXL, which Baldwin likes because it exudes a nautical style, easy and fluid, especially since it is designed for be worn disjointed. He owns one himself, telling us that it lasted for several seasons. He adds that the combination of poplin (light cotton) and stretchy shirts makes it easy to move and breathable.

This button for less than $ 20 that Baldwin recommends also has slimming vertical stripes, is designed to be worn unfolded and has short sleeves, which makes it ideal for warmer days. In addition, it measures up to XXL.

Photo: Retailer

At the other end of the pattern spectrum, Nguyen says that a button with a busy, all-over print is a great way to cover up your belly. Baldwin told us that he also likes a full print because it can distract the eye and make you look slimmer. He directed us to that short sleeve button with some sort of neon print, New York Cityatnight, but says the most important thing is to find an impression that works for you and swing it with reckless abandon.

For another flattering all-over print, Nguyen highlighted this short-sleeved button with a bright bull’s-eye pattern from Todd Snyder, which goes up to XXL and is designed to sit just below the waist.

Photo: Retailer

If you’re looking for something a little more laid back that still has those flattering elements, buttons and a collar, Sean Crowley, the owner of Crowley Vintage, suggests this Alex Mill popover shirt which is a kind of buttoned hybrid polo shirt. Popovers are about as old-fashioned as possible, he says, but have experienced a revival in recent years. The cut is usually a little more loose than a classic button-down shirt, and it looks great folded or not. It goes up to an XXL size.

According to Robert Squillaro, marketing manager at J. Press, a real polo shirt can be a must in warm weather for hugs for the same reasons as a popover (buttons around the neck and collar). He didn’t have a favorite, but I’m a fan of the Brooks Brothers sweat shirts, which measure up to an XXL. Mine has retained its soft shape and texture, even after three years of wear and frequent washing.

For another (slightly more expensive option), Chris Black loves Sunspels polo shirts. They’re logo-free, he notes, and made from ultra-soft Pima cotton.

Most of the guys we talked to said that cuddly guys who want to camouflage anything should avoid wearing a T-shirt. But, according to Brescia, the only exception is when you wear a T-shirt under a jacket or an overshirt (more on those below), as these outer garments provide those vertical lines on your front that a T-shirt does not. When it comes to the type of T-shirt to wear, Brescia says that a V-neck, because the design adds new angles, opens your neck a little more and makes you look more relaxed and comfortable. His favorite V-neck t-shirt is that of Gap, because its reasonable price, has a superb silhouette and shape, and goes up to a size XXXL.

Although warmer weather often does not require any outer clothing or layering, there are occasions that demand it. When it comes to the best styles for cuddling, the people we spoke to again say go for a second layer that again creates more vertical lines along your body, like this lightweight bomber from Uniqlo that Baldwin recommends and runs to a XXXL. It can be paired with many looks, he promises, adding that it’s also perfect for someone trying to further develop a capsule wardrobe.

Let’s go back to this bag jacket: Essentially, the style is really any blazer that has a looser cut at the waist and a natural shoulder, which, according to Squillaro, is more tolerant for a larger body type. Personally, I found that this Uniqlo linen jacket, with its relaxed silhouette and unstructured shoulders, was exactly what it describes (it goes up to XXXL). Because linen is so breathable, I don’t sweat when I wear it, and it also gives me those flattering vertical lines, even with a T-shirt underneath.

When it’s warmer, I always think there’s room for the capital C, says Crowley, who says that for taller ones, heavier work shirts like this can add textures to the classic seam to a warm weather outfit while keeping the collar and the line of a buttoned shirt. This piece, which goes up to an XXL size, is certainly an investment, but Crowley says its kind of double, or a kind of shirt and jacket in one. Although he likes it as a second layer, he told us that you can also wear it with practically nothing underneath, just an undershirt. Cuffs on sleeves and it looks elegant, as well as hiding the winter belly.

If you want a light sweater to put on after the sun goes down, our experts all advise against being tempted by horizontal stripes, no matter how timeless or trendy. The stripes widen you further, says Brescia. Instead, opt for something one color made from an indulgent fabric. Brescia showed us this round neck sweater in Gap linen, which is light, flattering, up to XXXL and, as he says, comes in a large navy.

According to Nguyen, taller men tend to look for hoodies or sweatshirts as a second layer, feeling they are more comfortable and forgiving. But the danger for many, he warns, is that the material likes to follow your shape, which accentuates your roundness. This is why Baldwin specifically recommends this hoodie for cuddling, as it says that its heavier weight, its bright color and its size range (up to XXL) will provide a good disguise for all the areas you want to hide. .

Another investment piece, this lightweight linen and mohair sweater from the British heritage brand Drakes not only has subtle vertical stripes, but a traditional fisherman cut that is forgiving enough for older kids, according to Crowley. As for whether it’s worth your money, he promises that Drakes clothing is made to last for decades, making sure that if you choose to keep it after the return period, it will keep its shape and quality for as long as you will have them.

When it comes to stockings, whatever the time of year, any guy looking to flatter his body should only go for flat-front styles. While the pleats may be back in style, says Brescia, they don’t have clean lines, and instead, their extra fabric around the waist draws attention to an area that you’re probably trying to minimize. Beyond that, they say they opt for stretch fabrics that make travel more comfortable rather than super-rigid denim that can cut your waist. Stretch material, according to Baldwin, may seem normal from a distance, but may secretly hold an extra pound or two. Brescia adds that the bigger guys should also opt for darker colors, which he says are more forgiving than the lighter ones that show you where each bump and bulge is. These Lululemon pants, which meet all these criteria and which go up to XXL, were transformative for me. They are made of a stretchy and exclusive Warpstreme fabric which prevents me from overheating and can adapt to any position in which I sit, and the dark navy color is trendy and flattering.

Slightly less professional, but just as flattering, these Lululemon joggers, which are the same size as above, that Baldwin says are perfect for shaping the less athletic bodies. True, they are expensive for sweatpants, he says, but his pair lasted for many years of almost daily wearing in hot weather. I don’t mind spending a little more money to make sure they don’t collapse after several washes.

For a style of pants specially designed for older children, Baldwin showed us this pair of Levis which, as the name suggests, goes up to XXL. I love this collaboration between Levis and singer Khalid, he says, stressing that Khalid is not the standard sample size.

Personally, these Everlane stretch denim jeans (which can go up to an XXL) may well be the most comfortable I have ever owned. While not as structured as some classic 501s, they have a lot more to give, especially in the hip and thigh, as they were designed to be intentionally more spacious in these areas to accommodate the bodies of muscular athletes (and, apparently, less muscular writers).

When choosing shorts, Brescia told us that, once again, the stretch material is essential to look and feel comfortable. He likes these Rhône shorts which, according to him, can be dressed or dressed and which are in stock until XXL. Brescias style tip: combine them with a shirt of the same color, they are also available in blue, khaki and navy blue to create a monochromatic moment, which in turn creates a thinner silhouette.

A pair of slightly more affordable flat-front shorts are those from Bonobos that Brecia also likes: They come in so many different colors, (13, to be exact) and go up to a size of 40 inches (or XXL).

The strategist is designed to bring out the recommendations of the most useful experts to buy in the vast landscape of electronic commerce. Some of our latest conquests include the best acne treatments, rolling luggage, pillows for side rails, natural remedies for anxiety, and bath towels. We update the links where possible, but note that offers may expire and all prices are subject to change.

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